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Keefe sighed, knowing both he and Dex would not like the question he was about to ask.  "So, do you wanna just hitchhike there since I'm still not 100% sure I know where we're going or..."

Dex looked at him like he was insane.

"I mean, it could theoretically get us there faster and we're elves so we can do things that humans can't."

Dex's face didn't move much.  "Are you insane?"

"... No?"

The Technopath brought up a hand to his hair and blew out a breath he must have been holding.

Keefe smiled at the ridiculous face he was making while a car honked down the street.  And another car honked back.  And Keefe sort of came to the realization that maybe he was in fact a bit more insane than he thought.

Dex looked out at the road.

"I think the car would be cooler inside."

"Yeah but..."  Dex tailed off, continuing to stare at the traffic, "what if something happens."

"Dude," Keefe said, moving so that he was directly in front of the other, "I just reminded you that we're elves.  We can get through anything."

Dex ran his hand down his face.


"Are you sure this is the sign for 'hitchhiking?'"  Dex mumbled as he continued to walk with his arm extended and his thumb up.  "I mean, it's kind of dumb.  Why are we giving everybody a thumbs up.  Is it to say something like, 'yeah, we're cool, dude. We won't hurt you?'"

Keefe laughed.  "Probably, I guess."

"Why is no one stopping?"

"Probably because we don't look needy.  I mean, we are horrifically good looking."  The Empath smirked when he noticed Dex's face turning a darker shade.  "I mean, I guess I'm more of the handsome type, but you're pretty darn cute."  The last comment made Dex look away.  If Keefe had to guess why, it was probably to hide his blush.

Good thing Empaths can feel emotion!

Keefe poked Dex's side just before Dex let out a noise sounding a bit like a squeal and jerked away.  "Ticklish."

"If I recall, you're just as sensitive!"  Dex turned to jab at Keefe's side, but the Empath saw it coming and grabbed his hand before he could be stopped.  He brought it around himself and did the same with the other so that Dex had no choice but to hug him from behind as they continued to walk.

And from that, Keefe Sencen could definitely tell that Dex Dizznee was incredibly flustered.  In a good way, of course.  Almost in a crush way...

"Will you cut it out!"  Dex yelled.

Keefe laughed again and continued to laugh until a car pulled over next to them.

Both boys stopped, looking at the car with curiosity.

Or rather, Keefe with curiosity and Dex with puzzlement and fear.

"Sorry, but I couldn't notice you holding out your hand for a lift there, young man."  Said the person in the car.  He seemed to be an older man, maybe in his fifties, with teeth far too white - whiter than Fitz's - and slicked back hair.

Keefe gave Dex's hand a squeeze.  "Yes, we were."

"Well, where you two headed?"

"*insert Amy's house street here >:)*"  Keefe said slowly, feeling Dex's emotions shift.

"Well, I'm headed just that way!  I'd be willing to take you for no cost."  The man gave another white teethed smile.

Keefe looked back at Dex who gave a tiny nod.  "Okay, then, uh, Sir."

"Call me Mr. Humbert."

"Mr. Humbert..."  Keefe said, before realizing something.  "Oh, ah, we should probably get in the car..."

As it just so happened, the back seat was littered with things.

"Ah, yes, so sorry about that.  I wasn't exactly expecting to pick up two of ya today.  Why don't you move those things back there,"  he said, looking at Keefe.

Keefe, nodded and moved to open the car door as Dex unwrapped his arms from the other's waist.

"You can sit up here if you'd like."  Keefe heard the man say to Dex.

"Actually,"  he broke in, "Dex would it be okay if you sat back here?  You're smaller than me."

Keefe turned around and received a grateful smile from Dex.  "Yeah, that works."

Keefe grinned back, hoping to send a bit of reassurance as they traded places.

The car was leathery and stiff with the strong smell of cologne.  Though maybe the smell was coming from the man.  In addition to this, the car was also a lukewarm temperature.  It was odd, to say the least.

Keefe looked back at Dex who did not seem comfortable at all with his shoulders raised and his eyes shifting around the vehicle.  He reached his hand back to grab Dex's knee, though he ended up feeling a hand lock onto his.

"You two are awfully cute."  The man said as he steered back onto the road.

Dex's hand tightened around Keefe's.

"How long you been a couple?"

"About... a year?"  Keefe said, hoping Mr. Humbert would buy it.

Mr. Humbert nodded like he was taking it into consideration.  "It's cute how you're still in your honeymoon phase."

Keefe felt Dex get more and more flustered, but clearly fear was overriding his embarrassment as he kept a hold of the latter's hand.

"Boys, I'm so sorry to do this, but would it be alight with you if we stopped at my home first.  I just have to retrieve something.  It's on the way."

Dex's hand was beginning to cut off circulation.  "Sure."

"Thank you so much, it won't take barely any time at all and the both of you can wait in the car."

The Technopath's forehead hit Keefe's lower arm before it moved a few time.  It took Keefe a moment to realize Dex was shaking his head.

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