Eat then Sleep

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The boys must have walked for an hour before they finally found somewhere they could stay for the night without wasting too much money.

They spent another hour window shopping in hopes of getting rid of some daylight before they showed back up at the place.

If only it didn't smell of grease and failure.  That was definitely a downer.

On another note, however, it did have food - which is what they'd have to pay for.  The Lost Cities didn't have many restaurants, but the ones that did taught that you couldn't just go in and sit down without at least getting a drink.  It'd be rude!

"So,"  Keefe said, sliding into the boothed seat across from Dex and setting down a number, "what do ya wanna do all night?"

Dex shrugged, looking around them.  There weren't many humans in the restaurant, but the ones that were there gave him the creeps.

"What's wrong?"  Keefe had put his finger on Dex's hand.  It shouldn't have made his stomach fill with butterflies, but it did.  "You alright?"

The Technopath shook his head in an attempt to clear his thoughts.  "I'm fine.  I just..."

Keefe followed his gaze.  "Yeah, they're giving me some weird vibes too, but I guess it shouldn't be too surprising that weirder humans hang here instead of their houses or whatever at night."

"It's not just that though.  We still haven't been able to get those dumb things on our heads off and we have no idea what happened to that ogre and we still haven't gotten home-"

"Dude."  Keefe said, forcing Dex to look back at him.  "Chill out. I'm pretty sure we got over the scariest part already and we will be at Amy's house soon enough."  He rubbed his thumb over Dex's palm.  "And once we're home there will be a bunch more people to help remove the things and look for that ogre."

Dex nodded, wishing he could be as sure as the other sounded.  But... what if something happened?  Weren't humans known for doing bad things or having bad things happened to them?

"You need to clam down,"  Keefe said, getting up and moving to Dex's side.  "We're gonna be fine.  Why don't you try to sleep after we get our weird human food?"

Staring off into space, Dex nodded.

"Come on, Dizznee.  You've been alright this whole time.  What's wrong - other than a lack of sleep and the weird humans."

Dex shrugged for the second time before breaking eye contact with the now empty seat in front of him.  "Maybe I'm just homesick."

"Awwe, Dexy."  Keefe cooed, wrapping an arm around the smaller boy, "It'll be okaaay.  Keefey's here."

Never had Dex been so glad Keefe could feel his utter annoyance.

"Hello!" An older woman - thankfully - interrupted.  "Two large fries?"

Keefe smiled and nodded.  "Thank you!"

"Yep!"  And with that she walked away.

"Now, eat and then sleep."


I'm really sorry - it's another short chapter.  But at least it's an update? ;-;
Forgive me.

The Land Of The Humans- Keefex/Deefe/KexWhere stories live. Discover now