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I feel like I am going crazy.
I throw my bottle of whiskey against the wall.
"Bro chill," Ryan said. All the boy's look at me.
They didn't say a word, they know that if they speak I will kill them.

"We know how much you're hurting right now," Ryan said calmly.
"Oh, you know? She's hurt! Broken! Devastated because of fucking me!" I yell. I am the problem, I am always the problem.
"I can't even fucking touch her. She was in that situation because I brought her into this lifestyle. Even though I tried to keep her in the dark of all this criminal shit but I failed." I said.

"We have to go, boys, we can't stay much longer. I won't. She's hurt because of me so we have to go." I said.
They all look at each other. "What?" I yell frustrated, rubbed my face with my hands.

"Look, my life is here I am not going to leave," Khalil said. "Your life? What life? Killing people? Guess what my life is here too!" I yell at him.

"Bro calm down, we--I don't know what to say. Stay." Caine said.
I shook my head. "If I stay she's going to get hurt again and again," I said. I don't want to be the reason for her to be sad.
In order to keep her safe and happy, I have to go away and those are the two things I want her to be.

Safe and happy.

"I have to go guys." They all nodded understanding now.

I went upstairs to get my things.
I put all my stuff in a suitcase and the rest I dumped in my car, I made sure there was nothing left.

Once everything was in my car I went back inside.
The boys all stand lined up next to each other.

"I am going to miss you, you are my brother for life," Ryan said as he gave me a hug.
"I am not dying." I smile.

"I never thought this day would come but I am going to miss you," Khalil said while doing our handshake.

"I am missing you already!!" Za cried. Yup real tears. He's such a pussy.
"I have a phone Za you guys can call me whenever."

"I wish you the best, don't stay away for too long. I am sorry for what happened but you are my brother." Caine said.

After saying our final goodbyes I got in my car and drove away.

This was it.

I am driving away for my life, from my little light bulb in my life.


I lay in my bed crying. I stare at my desk at the gift Jason brought with him.
Curiosity got the best of me and I took it. I sat down on the floor and open it revealing an iPhone X.

My eyes widen. This is so expensive why would he give me this?
I open the phone but it seems like he already did. He even set a background for it. A selfie of me and him.

It was a beautiful day, we went out to picknick and we laid on the grass laughing and making jokes all day. He was such a dork that day and I loved it. I still do.

I see that I have one message from.

That's cute.

[8:34 pm.]



I know you are not going to like what I am going to tell you.

I am leaving. I will not come back, I'm leaving town. You're hurt, broken and it's all because of me.
I don't want to hurt you.
I love you and I always will.
Ever since I met you my life had a purpose again, you are still my only love and I will love you forever.
But I have to let you go.
I will never forget how beautiful you are, how your cute little brown eyes look. How much love there was between us.
Your very existence is a blessing to me and I ask you to move on and find someone that makes you happy, not sad.

I love you.


I read the message over and over again.

My world had come crashing down.

Twisted Perfection (Jason McCann)Where stories live. Discover now