Flashback (Moonbli)

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Moon sat beside her splintering egg, a combination of joyful and terrified. She and Qibli were sitting in the glow of one shining moon. She had insisted that the egg be hatched under as many moons as possible. Her exact words had been: "She's in a prophecy, and her name is Vision, she should have a fighting chance at getting NightWing powers."

Suddenly, Moon felt the all too familiar pounding at the base of her neck, slowly spreading up to her skull. She winced and leaned against Qibli, trying to stop the vision. No no no! Not right now, stop it! She yelled at herself. It was no use. The vision came. She saw herself, yelling something at Qibli, whowas standing over her and glaring menacingly. Suddenly a small Icewing Nightwing hybrid dragonet popped out from under her wing, and gave a long monologue to Qibli. He backed down a little, gaping then said something quickly and flew away.

Then the vision was gone. It was odd, Moon could usually hear what a dragon was saying in her visions. Moon looked up at Qibli, wondering what was happening in that vision, and how it could change his carefree expression to one of such anger and sadness as she had seen in the vision. She leaned in closer to him, hoping that what Darkstalker had told her so long ago about her visions being only of possible and not definite futures was true. She had often wondered how Peacemaker and Hope were doing. She hadn't had time to visit them since she laid her egg, and doubted she would have any more time with new hatched dragonet. Qibli pulled Moon from her thoughts by pulling off his skyfire to think Look, it's hatching! Excitedly at her. Moon and Qibli watched the egg intently, although now that his skyfire was off, Moon could see that Qibli was also keeping an eye out for danger. She rolled her eyes at him and hugged him tightly.

"Still the same old Qibli." Moon laughed. Qibli stared at her quizzically.

"Now what in Pyrrhia does that mean?"

"Your mind. It's still like a reading a dozen scrolls at once. You think faster than I can comprehend sometimes about a dozen and a half things at once." She explained, pressing her head into his chest. He kissed her quickly, then gently turned her head back to the splitting silver eggshell. It cracked in half slowly, and to both of their surprise, a dragonet landed in each half of the eggshell. Twins. Now Moon understood why it had been hard to lay. But there was another surprise in the eggshell. One of the dragonets was visibly half Icewing. She was dark blue, with a NightWing build and Icewing spikes. She had black stars on ice blue wings and pale green eyes. The other one appeared to be pure NightWing, but she was curled up so that you could hardly see her. The two new parents stood above the broken egg and the twins in stunned silence. Then Moon gently picked up the little blue and white dragonet and cradled her in her arms.

"How.....?" She started, but trailed off at Qibli's furious look. She saw inside his head what he was thinking. There is only one way a pure Nightwing can produce a dragonet that looks like that. If the father is an Icewing. Who's the one Icewing she might be in love with? Winter. Of course. I'm an idiot, thinking she could ever love me. Moon winced, placing the little blue and white dragonet under her wing and covering her head.

"Stop it please stop! It's not like that, I don't know any better then you do how this happened." Moon pleaded. Qibli growled at her.

"Well I sure have pretty good guess. They're Winter's, aren't they?" Moon shook her head.

"They are your dragonets, I swear. You have to believe me. I haven't seen Winter in years. Please. Trust me." Moon begged. The little blue dragonet stepped out from under her wing. To Moon's surprise, her eyes had turned from light green to ice blue. She stepped in front of Moon and started to speak. Clear, linear words, but they made little sense.

"You are both right. Sandwing, Vision is your dragonet. It is only at the whims of the universe that I shared entrance into this world with her. You are not my father, but then, this Nightwing here is not my mother. I am Whiteout, sister of Darkstalker. You have been chosen to be my caretakers until this body grows into its adult form. Similarly, I have been chosen to teach her the ways of the ancient Nightwings, so she can learn to control her powers. She will need full control over this gift, as she can see every possible future, but only at certain times." Moon and Qibli gaped, stunned into silence. Qibli's mouth opened and closed, until he finally choked something out.

"I need to think about this." He turned, beating his wings to soar up onto the sky, in the direction of their home.


Moon came back to the house around sunrise. She wanted to talk with Qibli, and spend more time with a Whiteout, who had been making strange mumbling sounds the whole way back. Vision was still asleep in her talons, but at least she had shifted around a little, so Moon could be sure she was alright. She placed the dragonets in the room she had prepared, then groaned. Stupid! Why didn't I think of this? Moon sighed.

"Hey Whiteout, do you mind sharing a bed with your.... with Vision?" Moon asked, remembering how Whiteout had denied any kinship with Qibli, Vision or herself. Whiteout shrugged, So Moon tucked them into bed together. Then she left to go see Qibli.

"Hey Qibbs? You wanna talk?" She asked cautiously as she opened the door. He turned and hugged her, pulling her into the room.

"Sorry I got so worked up earlier. I love you Moon. I just... Well you know what I thought." Qibli apologised. "Please forgive me?" Moon smiled.

"On two conditions..." Moon said slyly. Qibli's eyes widened. He had been expecting her to either say "Yes" or "No" immediately.

"Which are...?" He asked tentatively. Moon smirked, an expression she rarely wore.

"You help me raise our dragonets." Qibli looked startled.

"Of course? Why wouldn't I?" Moon smiled.

"Just checking. You didn't seem too keen on it a few hours ago." She teased. Qibli stared at the floor. Here it comes. Condition two. I wonder if she's going to make me go live on an iceberg for the rest of the year, or make me sleep in the Scorpion den next to the oasis for a week? I deserve it, honestly. But I hope it's not something too bad, like- Moon cut off his thoughts with a gentle talon on his shoulder.

"The second condition, is that you let me do this." Moon said playfully, then kissed him passionately. Qibli kissed her back thinking: Note to self. Add this to the list of things I adore about Moonwatcher.

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