Flashback (Ripnami)

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Tsunami growled. At the entrance of the cave, Riptide was jabbing a sword at the small assassination squad trying to get into their cave.

"Hey Tsu Tsu? A little help here please?" Riptide yelled.

"Hold up Squid-brain, I'm writing a note to Clay asking for Peril to come help guard our cave, one to Anemone asking her to try to convince mother to stop, and another note to mother asking her to PLEASE STOP SENDING ASSASSINS!" She shouted the last part so that the assassins could hear. Riptide panted and managed to hold them off long enough to push a boulder in front of the entrance. It wouldn't stay long, but it was still something. Tsunami lashed her tail when she saw how bruised Riptide was. She handed him the letters.

"Take these to the post office will you? I can take over the punching assassins in the face for a while." She smirked and kissed him. Then she rolled away the boulder in front of the secret back entrance, flew down the tunnel and shifted the other boulder. Then she sat at the back of the room so she could watch her eggs and the boulder in the cave entrance at the same time. A few minutes later, she turned around and closed the back exit boulder tightly. A moment later, she came back to see that the boulder had been shifted just enough for one of the smaller assassins to get in. He was slinking silently along the ground towards her eggs. A boiling fury filled Tsunami and with a roar she pinned the assassin to the hard rock floor and clawed his eyes out before he could even make a sound. The dragon screamed and tried to escape her grasp, and she growled loudly, then snapped his neck. Tsunami winced at the memory of doing the same thing to Gill, her own father. Then she picked up the body and shoved it back through the gap between the boulder and the cave entrance. She heard horrified gasps from the assassins. They weren't really assassins, she knew. They were the Queen's guards. But her eggs... her eggs were worth the world to Tsunami, and she would kill anyone who got between her and them. She stepped carefully over the bloody patches of floor. She dipped one talon into the pool of drinking water in the cave, which filtered from a source too small for dragons, but big enough for most fish. Tsunami walked over to her eggs and rubbed the little streaks of dried blood from them. Now they shone, one a deep blue, swirling around the shade of sky. The other was a sort of greyish in between colour all the way through. A thump and the pattering of many talons alerted Tsunami that something had changed. She shifted the nest into the back room so they would not be damaged if the fighting got inside. Then she looked through the tiny crack and saw that there was now an entire platoon outside her door. Her eyes widened. Then she heard a creaking sound. The whole platoon, maybe fifteen of whom were pushing hard on the boulder. Tsunami pressed her whole weight into keeping the boulder steady, but the soldiers were shoving hard. Finally, she heard the scraping sound of Riptide returning, but before he could get to her, Tsunami finally fell forward, as did the rock. She scrambled to her talons and thwacked a whole row of dragons with her tail. They fell to the sides and Tsunami managed to take the fight outside. Riptide joined in. Just as Tsunami was starting to falter, she saw it. At first it was just a flicker on the horizon. But then it loomed higher. And higher. Tsunami grabbed Riptide's shoulder.

"Get inside." She hissed. "Now, and get ready to close the boulder." Riptide nodded and fell back. Tsunami fought even harder than she thought possible, still retreating backwards, but keeping a safe distance away. Then, she was able to hear it over the roaring of dragons. She quickly dove into the cave and she and Riptide slammed the boulder shut, just as the roaring sound grew intense. The two pushed the boulder hard as their attackers tried to shove back in.

"Whatever you do..." Tsunami panted. "don't... let... go..." The roaring grew deafening and Tsunami gritted her teeth. Jets of water shot out of the crevices where the rock was not covering the entrance and Riptide's eyes widened. When the roaring finally passed, the two were knee deep in seawater. Riptide turned to his mate.

"W-What in Pyrrhia was that!?!" He squeaked. Tsunami grinned at him. Her face was flecked with droplets of water and she laughed.

"It was a tidal wave!" She exclaimed giddily. Riptide cocked his head.

"You mean-" Tsunami cut him off.

"Yes, a tsunami! My namesake saved us!" She laughed. Riptide let out a relieved laugh and hugged Tsunami. Then a resounding Crack echoed through the cavern. Tsunami and Riptide froze and stared into each others eyes.

"The eggs." They whispered simultaneously. The two rushed into the back room, expecting to see one or of their eggs crushed by an assassin, but instead they saw one egg rocking, while a small grey-blue talon scraped at a small hole in its shell. As the two Seawings watched, both eggs cracked, and out came two little dragonets. A male and a female. The male was shades of slightly greyish blue, mostly in Tsunami's deep blue, but had sky blue glow in the dark stripes. The daughter had a deep blue back and wings, but a sky blue belly. Her wing membranes were also sky blue. Tsunami wrapped her wing around Riptide and scooted closer to him.

"Aren't they adorable?" She whispered softly. He nodded, to entranced by the dragonets to speak.

"What should we call them?" He finally breathed.

"How about we name them after that huge wave that saved us?" Tsunami suggested. Riptide swatted her.

"We are not naming both our dragonets Tsunami!" Tsunami rolled her eyes.

"No you squid-brain, a tsunami can be called a tidal wave too." Riptide made an O shape with his mouth. Tsunami walked around to behind the dragonets. "So, meet Tidal," She pointed at the male. "And Wave." She pointed at the female.

Riptide grinned. "Perfect." He proclaimed.

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