He's Here

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I'm sorry for my bad and my long writing, I'm still trying to be better. Please give your reviews! Comment how I can improve!

Steve's POV
I woke up early to make Natasha breakfast in bed and she was feeling good and had a good sleep.

"Ow." She said as she winced in pain while holding her belly.

"Is he kicking again?" I said.

"Yup." She said and I rested my hand on hers.

She put my hand where he was kicking and I smiled.

"So what are we doing today? Any lead?" She asked.

"Today is a break day, we're takin the whole day off to spend it with you." I said.

"Oh thank you but I'm good." She said.

"We know, we're just really tired of tracking nothing over and over." I said.

We were all called in for something in the living room some important thing, no one really listens if there isn't an alarm going off.

"Attention!" Tony said.

"We can hear you." Maria said.

"I have found something amazing!" He said excitedly.

"Which is?" I said.

"I found series of Natasha and Bucky in their marriage times!" Tony said.

"Ew." Bucky said.

"How did you find it?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, you little nasty ass stalker." Maria said.

"I'll take that as a compliment and play the tape." Tony said.

No ones POV

"We're married." Natasha said dullingly.

"Now what? I don't like you." Bucky said.

"I-- why don't you ask Ant-Man for his suit to grow big like your ego!" Nat argued back.

"Hey guys." Nick said and Bucky and Natasha pulled each other into a kiss. "I'm leaving."

"You're so ew!" Bucky said.

"You are ugly, you little Smurfette." She said.

"Guys we need-" One said coming into the room and they pulled each other into kisses again.

"I'm gonna go with Jackson." Bucky said.

"Jackson's cute." Nat said with a smile.

"For mother frikking sake!" He said leaving.

"He left." Natasha said and Clint appears.

"You two argue for nothing." Clint said.

"We are being forced into this marriage, I want to be free!" She said.

"You will, just you know." He said.

"What?" Nat said.

"I have no idea." He said.

"Exactly." She said.

"That was just the beginning." Tony said.

"Can we not do this?" Natasha asked.

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