Answer Me

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Steve's POV

I sat next to Natasha's bed hoping to wake up and see her son very soon.

"Answer me, answer me, can you at least wake up for me? For Ethan?" I said.

"Captain." I turned and see Fury.

"She's still asleep." I said.

"She's fighting everything, believe me. She won't stop." He said and I nod.

Fury leaves, I hold and play with Ethan and telling him stories of whatever that I've done with his mother or just whatever.

"You know I remember meeting your mother, she was such a badass, I met her on a flying airport that S.H.I.E.L.D has. The wind was blowing into her hair, the sun made her eyes glow, her red lipstick popped out, she furrowed her brow a lot, and her smirk that mad me smile all the time. We became close and ended up being the scariest but cutest couple ever, we did many missions together. You have no idea what trouble your mom gets in, I am always there with my shield to cover her and it never gets old. She gave me my first kiss since the old days, very stubborn, ever time I hear her voice I become very calm. I know she'll make it and if she doesn't I'm gonna tell you stories she wouldn't want you to know and try to make you closer to your mother more than ever. Always." I said.

"And Forever." I hear a weak voice say.

"You're awake!" I said and give her kisses.

"Natasha." A voice said and I tuned to see Bucky standing with the others.

"Am I in hell?" Nat said and I let out a laugh.

"Why would I be in hell?" Tony said.

"Why would you?" Maria said, "You would've been the one who ruled with Satan." She said and Ethan let's out a giggle.

"Ethan's here!" Sam said loudly yet quietly.

I put Ethan in Natasha's arm and he smiles at his mother.

"Hey! She didn't die!" Pietro said jokingly.

"Thank you." I said.

"Anytime." He said.

"We'll leave you three alone, but I want Ethan next." Wanda said and they leave,

"He's beautiful." She said.

"Like his mother." I said.

"And I am not stubborn." She said.

"You really are." I said.

"I hope he's stubborn as I am then." She said as Ethan and Nat look into each other's eyes.

"I don't know what I'd do without you." I said.

"So many things, Rogers. So many." She said and I laugh with her.

I leave her with Ethan and Wanda and Maria goes in to keep her company as Ethan feeds.

"Handsome son." Clint said giving me a hug.

"Thanks." I said.

"Not as handsome as mine though." He said and I laugh.

"Hey guys." Wanda said passing by.

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