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Natasha's POV

I woke up to feed Ethan and make sure he's sleep correctly because he always sleeps like his father.

"Good morning." Maria said.

"Morning." I said making me some cereal.

"So, what's happening with Barnes and Maximoff." She asked.

"Just that they like each other." I said.

"Can we go out tonight? Like a girls night out?" Wanda asked.

"Yes!" Maria said.

"Hello beautiful." Sam said and kissed Maria.

"So we going out or what?" Maria said.

"Going out?" Steve said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"The girls and I are planning to go out tonight." I said turning to him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"What about me and the guys?" He asked.

"You guys can stay here." Wanda said.

"You don't know if we'll go out and rain on your parade." Bucky said.

"Well, I'll tell everyone about 4-8-9-0." I said.

"Hey! We can just stay in, watch Ethan. No biggie." He said.

"M and I have to go train the rookies. We'll see you guys later." Sam said and they left.

"Maximoff, Barnes, with me." Fury said and they left.

"We're alone." Steve and we kissed then our baby monitor went off.

"Not anymore." I said resting my head on his chest.

"We better get used to it, we're have so many kids." He said.

"How many do you even have in mind?" I asked as we walked to our room to get Ethan.

"Like 30." He said.

"Whoa! Never." I said.

"Ouch. Then how many do you have in mind?" He asked.

"Smaller. Like 5." I said as I fed Ethan.

"What?! No, it can't be." He said.

"Trust me. At least." I said and gave him a kiss then started walking to get Ethan to sleep.

"Tony, did you hear her? She only wants 5 kids." Steve said.

"30 is too much. Lower it." Tony said.

"Fine. 29." He said.

"No chance." I said.

"Agent Romanoff, you are needed in Fury's office." Friday said.

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