I Love You

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Steve's POV
I wake up before Nat does and make her breakfast in bed, I decided today is the day I propose to her. I had everything planned out just for today.

"Good morning." I said.

"Morning." She said.

I left the room to give her privacy and to check on Ethan and he was gone.

"Hey, Nat." I said entering our room and finding Ethan feeding.

"What? Can't we eat together?" Nat asked and I give her a kiss and one on Ethan's forehead.

"You do know I got her body last night. You're lucky but I was luckier last night." I whispered into his ear.

"Keep your secrets out, Rogers." She said.

"Did you know sons take up their fathers alone time with their mother?" I said.

"Why would I focus on that? I'm tryin go juggle you both to be in my arms." She said.

"Get ready." I said after giving her a kiss.

"For?" She said curiously.

"Your birthday!" I said.

Natasha's POV

I got ready and got Ethan ready.

I got ready and got Ethan ready

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I was so curious, no one has ever done this for me

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I was so curious, no one has ever done this for me. Until now.

"Hi, your daddy is hiding. Did you know? Now you do!" Sam said taking Ethan.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"He's very much of a planner than a doer but it's different when it comes to fighting. He's still reviewing the plan to the others. You." Sam said.

"What about me? I'm just me." I said.

"You. You make his heart glow with all the love you give him, then Ethan reminds him of you. You know when you left to your room, Romanoff, Steve was working off his ass to get your mood up and it worked. I've never seen him do this before to anyone, but you're not just anyone you're his." Sam said.

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