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After the bar

We went home and talked a lot, made jokes, and got tired. I went back into my room, I saw Steve watching tv.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I asked.

"Can't sleep without you." He said.

"I'm a little drunk just too warn you." I said and he hugged me.

"It's alright. I've dealt with worse." He said making me laugh.

I changed and went out to the balcony cuz Maria called me and we kept talking.

"I kept telling him that, he's not good at listening but he's a good student." I said.

"No duh, he can have a cute face but not that much of a brain." She said.

"Who on the other side?" Steve asked me putting his arms around me.

"Maria. Continue." I said and she did but Steve kissed me neck. (No noise, he's that good)

"Can you call tomorrow?" He whispered to me.

"Uh,um—*hits my sweet spot* fuck–um I mean, can we do this later?" I said.

"Sex. I got it. He's doing it to me too." She said.

"Good, okay bye." I said and hung up.

He quickly turned me around and we kissed to the bed.

Following day

We said goodbye to Phil's team and it was fun to meet them.

"We'll miss you!" We said.

Trip kissed Pepper and Tony got pissed.

"Gimme some." I said for a HIGH FIVE to Ward.

He tickled my hand with his index finger and kissed me.

"I'm sorry, it was a dare." He said.

"They're stupid." Skye said.

"Sorry." I said.

"Wait, no way! I told you!" Simmons said.

"Fitz, you're my new friend." Skye said.

"I wasn't in the beginning?" Fitz asked.

"Level up." Skye said.

"Yes!" He said.

"Thanks for the kiss." Ward winked at me and Skye rolled her eyes.

"Bye." We said an they left.

"Friday, make a wanted–" Tony started.

"No, no, no. Don't make him a target." Pepper said stopping Tony.

"I'm pissed. Like–Friday, make a–" He said again.

"Stop it." Pepper said and we laughed.

"I'm gonna kill him the next time I see him." Steve whispered to me.

"He's a really good kisser." I said.

"Oh my god." Steve said and walked away.

"Oh shit, baby come back!" I said while laughing and couldn't catch up.

I was joking obviously and he said he's keeping his word and we'll see how that turns out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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