Tony X Reader {Workaholic}

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Tony X Female!Reader
Song: Work From Home by Fifth Harmony

Your POV
  I laid in bed, hearing Tony work in his office. It was 2 am, and I deserved to have my husband be in bed with me, not working all hours of the night.

"Friday, tell Tony to come upstairs." I said, sitting up in bed.

"Mr. Stark, Mrs Stark is awake and wants you upstairs." Friday said.

"Oh babe. Sorry if I woke you. I'll be up in a bit." He said.

"Tony it's 2 o clock in the morning. Come upstairs and go to bed." I said, tired as all hell.

"I'll be up in a minute." He said. I huffed and put my feet on the floor, grabbing my slippers and going downstairs.

"Friday, lights on." I said.

"Yes, Mrs. Stark." Friday said, turning on the living room lights and hallway lights. I walked down into Tony's office to see him working on a new suit.

"Tony! Do you know what time it is!?" I yelled. He looked up from the suit and smiled at me.

"Hey honey. I'm sorry I know it's late. I wanted to get this done." He said. I huffed and walked over to him.

"Tony please come upstairs and come to bed with me! Trying to make a pillow of yourself didn't work last time and it won't work now." I said, referring to the red pillow Tony had stuffed under the covers to make it seem like he was in bed. That trick only worked once.

"Look sweetie just go back to sleep ok? I still have lots to do." Tony said. I huffed and looked up at him.

"Tony you need a break! You've been working non stop for hours. I want to spend some time with you too you know." I said. He put his hands on my arms, looking down at me.

"I know. And I promise I will give you so much attention when I'm done, ok? I swear to god I will." He said. I huffed and pulled away from him.

"Has anyone ever told you you were a workaholic, Tony?" I asked.

"Yes, yes they have. You have numerous times." He said. I huffed and he kissed my cheek.

"Go back to sleep. I love you." Tony said, walking back over to his suit.

"Love you too." I grumbled, going back upstairs. I went back into the bedroom and took off my slippers, laying back into bed. I closed my eyes, falling back into a dreamless sleep.

•The Next Morning•
  I woke up to see Tony's side of the bed empty again.

"Ugh. Friday, where is Tony?" I asked, half asleep still.

"Mr. Stark is still in the lab, Mrs Stark. Shall I wake him for you?" Friday asked.

"No no I'll do it myself. Tell Dum-E to get ready to extinguish." I said, smiling as I got out of bed.

"Yes, Mrs Stark." Friday said. I got changed into a f/c shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. I brushed out my hair and put it up in a pony tail. I went downstairs to see Tony asleep on his chair.

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