Scott X Reader {Early Mornings}

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Scott X Female!Reader
Early Mornings
Song: Feel So Close by Calvin Harris

Your POV
   I laid in bed on an early Sunday morning, cuddled up against my husband, Scott. Scott's arm was lazily wrapped around my body tightly  and my hands were placed on his chest. My head was nuzzled under his chin comfortably. I loved mornings like this where I got to soak in the morning cuddles with Scott. We didn't get this moment often. The cool, spring breeze leaked into our bedroom from the opened window, sending a small wave of chills down my body. Scott squeezes me tightly and left a gentle kiss on my temple.

"Good morning, gorgeous." Scott grumbled in his morning voice. I blushed and groaned, nuzzling deeper into his shoulder.

"Mmmm too early." I groaned. Scott chuckled and kissed my head again. He wrapped his arms tighter around my waist. I began to fall asleep again until small cries came from the baby monitor. I pulled away from Scott and stood up, grabbing the monitor. I looked down to see my 8 month old daughter, Scarlet, standing up and crying. I put the monitor down and rushed out of the room, into my daughters room. I opened the door lightly and smiled over at her. Her crying stopped when she saw me and she smiled wide.

"Good morning, pumpkin!" I said, smiling. She smiled and jumped in her crib. I picked her up and kissed her cheek before laying her down on her changing table. I changed her diaper and picked her up. She giggled and held onto me tightly. I walked back into the bedroom to see Scott sitting up. He ran his hand through his hair and Scarlet bounced excitedly in my arms when she saw him. Scott smiled and I put Scarlet down on the bed. She crawled towards Scott and he picked her up, lifting her up in the air.

"Good morning, sweetie!" Scott sang. Scarlet giggled and held onto Scott tightly. I blushed and smiled, sitting on the bed with the two. Scott blew a raspberry on her belly. Scarlet broke into a fit of laughter and my heart swooned. Scott put Scarlet down and held her in his arms as he grabbed his phone. I laid next to them and smiled.

"Dada!" Scarlet squeaked, grabbing onto Scott's phone. Scott smiled and kissed her head lightly. The two scrolled through social media and I grabbed my phone, opening up the Avengers group chat.

Tony🔧: Morning Everyone
Clint🏹: It's way too early for this bs, Tony.
Steve🇺🇸: Cmon Clint! It's 7 am! I've already ran 10 miles!
Clint🏹: Good for you, super soldier 🤮
Tony🔧: How about we all go out to breakfast, my treat?
Bucky🌚: I could use some breakfast. Count me in.
Nat🕷: I'll be there
Steve🇺🇸: See y'all there!
Clint🏹: Ugh Fine.
Scotty💕: You guys ok with me and Y/N bringing the baby?
Bruce💚: Of course! I miss my little Scarlet!
Tony🔧: Wouldn't be a Sunday breakfast without you guys.
Me: Alright! See you guys there!
Thor⚡️: Yay! Babies! Say Bruce, we should have one of them.
Bruce💚: 😳
Tony🔧: PFFT

I rolled my eyes and put my phone down. I looked over at Scott and he smiled.

"You good to go to breakfast?" Scott asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. We need to get out of this house anyway." I said, smiling. Scott smiled and nodded. He kissed my lips quickly then picked up Scarlet, leaving the room. I got up and got dressed into a F/C t-shirt and a pair of mom jeans. I brushed through my H/L, H/C hair and put it up in a bun. Scott walked back in the room with Scarlet dressed. She wore a cute shirt that said 'Daddy's Girl' on it and a pair of red, floral pants. She had a mini bow in her hair and she looked adorable.

"Nice outfit choice, dad." I said, smiling. Scott rolled his eyes and smiled. He handed me Scarlet before kissing my lips passionately. I kissed back and hummed. He slid his hand down my back and I blushed.

"Get dressed, Scotty." I said, smiling. He smiled and I left the room. I packed Scarlet's diaper bag and put on her shoes. Scott walked out in his usual grey shirt and black jeans. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hummed. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"We better get going." I said. Scott nodded and grabbed the diaper bag. He grabbed the car keys and then my hand. We left the house and Scott locked the door. He quickly unlocked the door to our mini van and the door opened. I strapped Scarlet into her car seat securely and kissed her head. I handed her her favorite stuffed monkey and closed the door. I jumped in the front seat and Scott smiled lovingly. He put his hand on my cheek and kissed me passionately. I kissed back and blushed.

"Ready?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. Scott started the car and began to drive to our local diner. Before I got pregnant, we went here every Sunday. It felt good going back. We arrived and I got Scarlet out of the car. I walked around to the other side of the car and was greeted by Bruce and Thor. Bruce's eyes lit up as he saw Scarlet.

"Bwuce!" Scarlet yelled. Bruce smiled and took Scarlet from my arms. I loved seeing Bruce lit up when he saw Scarlet. He didn't do it often.

"Hiya sweetheart! I missed you!" Bruce said, smiling. Scarlet smiled and hugged onto Bruce.

"Rest of the gang is inside. You guys ready?" Thor asked, holding Bruce's hand. I smiled and laced my hand into Scott's.

"Yep. Lets go." I said, smiling. Bruce and Thor smiled before walking inside. Scott and I followed along, sitting down at large table. Steve, Tony, Bucky Natasha, and Clint all sat at the table. Bruce put Scarlet in a booster seat that sat between me and Scott. He sat down next to me with Thor on the other side of him.

"So glad to see you guys could make it!" Tony said, smiling. I smiled and nodded.

"Feels good to finally be out of the house." Scott said, smiling. Everyone smiled and I held Scott's hand under the table.

"Well. What are we having?" I asked before our breakfast began. It was a great morning.

  I hope you enjoyed this part! I had fun reading it! I watched Age Of Ultron while writing this and I fucking sobbed when Pietro died. I miss him :(

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