Peter X Reader {Hot Headed}

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Peter X Female!Reader
Hot Headed
Song: Waves by Dean Lewis
Warning: Strong Language

Your POV
I walked out the doors of my high school. I couldn't wait to get back to the towers and actually breath. I hated school. And I mean hated. It was hell. The only thing I liked about school is the fact that I have a lot of classes with my boyfriend, Peter. He's Spiderman and I'm Firegirl. My genes were manipulated when I was 5, so I had fire powers in my hands and eyes. I jumped on the bus and took a deep breath. I remembered that Peter had to stay after school for a track meet. I put my bag on the outer side of the seat, making it so I leaned on the window. After a few minutes, the bus began to leave. I grabbed my phone and began to scroll through Twitter. I loved scrolling through all of my friends twitters to see what they retweet and tweet. Bucky's tweets were mostly about how black his coffee was or Nat's ass. Steve is always asking us for advice on his tinder dates, and Tony is always gushing over Pepper. Peter didn't go on Twitter much, but when he did he would tweet about how much he loved me or just random memes he finds.

"Hey Bitch! Where's your boyfriend, huh?" I heard a random girl from the back of the bus yell. I growled and kept my eyes focused on my phone. I didn't feel like dealing with fake bitches today.

"Hey 4 eyes, I asked you a question." A girl said. I looked up and rolled my eyes, looking back down at my phone.

"Sorry were all not perfect like you and don't have perfect vision, Vanessa." I growled. She threw my bag on the floor and sat next to me.

"At least you acknowledge that I'm perfect. Now 4 eyes, are you gonna answer my question or not?" She asked. I didn't look up from my phone.

"Go to hell, Vanessa." I growled. She got up and threw my bag at me. I caught it and rolled my eyes at her. I had a great sense of when things were happening, kinda like how Peter had his spidey sense. Finally it was my stop. Me and Peter were the only ones who got off at this stop. Mr. Stark didn't want people finding out about our superhero shit, so he always sent a black SUV to pick us up. I thanked the bus driver and got off at my stop. I heard footsteps behind me, clearly knowing someone else get off at my stop. I growled and turned around as the bus pulled away. I saw Vanessa and her friends standing on the sidewalk, staring at me.

"This isn't your stop, assholes." I growled. The blonde girl approached me, hitting me with her lacrosse stick. I leaned down, feeling blood come out of my mouth and nose. I looked up at the three girls and wiped the blood off of my mouth.

"You're all fucked now" I growled, throwing my backpack on the ground. I grabbed the lacrosse stick from the blonde and threw it at Vanessa. The blonde tried to punch me in the face, missing terribly. I grabbed her fist and bent it, hearing her scream in pain. I threw her back and the red head kicked me in the stomach. I groaned and punched her in the face, watching her fall. The blonde came back at me, jumping on my back. I grabbed her arm and flipped her over me, kicking her between the legs once she was on the ground. I turned around to Vanessa running at me with the lacrosse stick. She hit my side with the stick and I grunted. I kicked her in the chest and grabbed the lacrosse stick, hitting her in the face with it. She was knocked out and I smiled, turning to look over at the blonde and red head.

"You ladies done now?" I asked, wiping the blood off from my nose. I got no response and I smiled. I grabbed my bag and booked it to the street corner. I jumped into the black SUV and kept my head down. The driver began to drive towards the towers, and I quickly tried to stop my nose from bleeding. It wasn't working. I growled as the driver stopped outside of the towers. I jumped out and quickly ran inside, towards my room.

"Hey Y/N, where are you going so fast?" I heard Tony's voice ring. I groaned and turned around to let Tony see my gushing nose and split lip. His eyes widened and he grabbed my hand, pulling me to the medical center.

"What the hell did you do?" He asked, putting my bag on the floor as I sat on the table.

"Well this girl Vanessa was being a bitch on the bus today and was picking on me. Her and her friends ended up getting off at my stop and trying to beat me up with a lacrosse stick. I won of course." I said, looking up at Tony. He shook his head but soon smiled. He cleaned up my nose and treated my lip lightly.

"The one day Peter isn't on the bus, you beat the shit out of three girls." I heard Clint's voice say from the door. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"You knew the lacrosse stick was gonna hit you, didn't you?" Bruce asked. I smiled and nodded. With my high senses, I knew it would happen.

"Yep. I just wanted to let them have their fun." I said, giggling. Tony rolled his eyes and I jumped off of the table.

"Hey guys I'm hom- Y/N OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED!?" I heard Peters voice. He ran over to me and examined my face. I smiled and kissed his lips lightly, trying hard not to reopen the gash in my bottom lip.

"I'm ok, sweetie. Vanessa and her friends tried beating me up that's all." I said, putting my hand on his cheek. He kissed my forehead lightly and hugged me tightly.

"I'll kill them if you want me to." He whispered. I chuckled and kissed his neck.

"I know you would, Petey. You're too anxious to do that, my love." I said, giggling. He blushed and hugged me tightly again. I hugged back and kissed his neck. We pulled away and he grabbed my hand.

"Cmon. Go get into your pj's and we will watch a movie to make you feel better." Peter said. I nodded and smiled. I ran upstairs and changed into my pajamas, then me and Peter had a movie binge for the weekend.

I giggled and held my books, staring up at Peter as me, MJ, and Ned all gossiped and laughed. MJ and Ned were the only two people in our school who knew about me and Peter's powers.

"Bitches, two o clock." MJ whispered to me. I turned around and there walked the blonde and red head chicks that I beat up last week. Peter wrapped his arm around my shoulder protectively.

"Hey Y/N. We wanted to apologize for what happened last week." The red head said. I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you for apologizing. I appreciate it. I hope you two learned your lesson to not fuck with me." I said, smiling. They both nodded and scurried off. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"What about Vanessa?" Ned asked.

"She's in the hospital." MJ said. I smiled and giggled quietly.

"Serves her right for trying to mess with my love." Peter said, kissing my ear. I smiled and the bell rang. We all said our goodbyes and went to class.

  I hope you all enjoyed this part! I need to write more with Peter lol. Don't forget to vote and comment! And thank you all for so much love on this book lately! I appreciate it greatly :)

-D :P

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