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"nothing is stronger than a
brother and sister's bond."


My eyes scanned the puffy white clouds I was flying above. I was beyond exited to finally see my brother again after so long, let alone move in with him.

I was definitely sad to leave my hometown friends and parents behind, but there was so much I've always wanted to accomplish that I could finally start chasing after in L.A.

The flight passed fast enough, but landing felt like forever.

I could see the entire city of Los Angeles lit up by the beeming sunshine peering through the clouds.

My heart rate increased the more we descended through the air, wanting to just jump out of the plane right then and there.

Soon enough we finally touched ground and before I knew it I was pacing around baggage claim looking for my older brother.

"Kaylee!" I heard the familiar voice shouting from behind me.

I whipped my head around to be met face to face with him.

"Ricky oh my god!" I screamed dashing towards him.

I ran straight into his arms feeling complete after being away from him for so long.

Ricky and I grew up together like best friends, and he always stood up and defended me against anyone that ever tried to hurt me.

He's always been the overprotective type, but I know he does it out of love.

We let go and I looked into his bright blue eyes that matched mine.

He grabbed my bags for me and we walked back together towards his car, already talking about what we've missed.

On the way home we blasted some Uzi and sang together for the first time in about a year.

I started dancing and he laughed mocking my horrendous moves but in my opinion, I got some pretty fire moves.

About 45 minutes later we pulled up to the clout house, the one I had only seen on videos when I was at home.

As soon as we stepped out of the car it didn't even feel real.

I'm actually going to be living here.

Ricky saw my slightly dropped jaw and chuckled. "Crazy right?"

I looked over at him and shook my head up and down. "No kidding, this place is insane."

We went in through the garage, but when we first stepped in I noticed no one was around.

"God damn it now we gotta find everyone." Ricky said rolling his eyes.

"I mean, we could just yell." I said lifting my hands up in suggestion.

"Yeah let's just go to the kitchen first." He said dropping my bags down at the side of the door.

I followed him through the massive house, still not believing it's real.

"Guys Kaylee is here!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

Next thing you know a large group of guys and two girls came running up the stairs, one of the girls I recognized as Alissa, Ricky's girlfriend.

"Oh my god hi Kaylee I missed you!" Alissa said taking a full on sprint at me before tackling me to the ground.

"I missed you too, Vi." I laughed as we both finally stood up.

"Alright I already told everyone your name but Kaylee this is Sommer, Rice, Nikan, Frazier, Roman, Rug, Matt, and Alex." He said pointing at each of them as he called their names.

My eyes stayed glued on the boy named Alex, he had dark brown hair and brown eyes and he was really attractive.

I finally broke our stare and looked around at everyone saying hey.

"I have a feeling we're gonna get along Kaylee, I'm showing her her room bitches!" Sommer yelled, grabbing hold of my wrist and bringing me towards my room.

Alissa quickly followed behind in attempt to catch up to the curly haired girl dragging me around the house.

This is gonna be fun.

First chapter! At the beginning of each chapter I'm going to add a song lyric but I couldn't really think of one to describe this chapter so I just used a quote for this lol.

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