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"you have my focus,
i can't control it."


It's been about two hours of unpacking and arranging my room the way I want it and all and the girls and I are currently blasting Ariana Grande's new album.

"Passionate but i don't give no fucks, I admit that I'm a lil messed up, but I can hide it when I'm all dressed up..." our voices boomed throughout the house.

We didn't even notice Ricky and all the boys enter the room while we've been dancing to needy for the last two minutes.

I instantly felt my cheeks flush to a deep red shade, embarrassed at the fact they just saw me.

"Nice moves there Kaylee!" Nikan bursted out laughing.

I crossed my arms and gave him a sarcastic glare, my focus turning onto Alex who stood next to him.

"I thought they were pretty good, definitely better than mine." Alex sent me a wink.

My lips curved upwards into a smile, showing him I appreciated it.

"Okay but for real, we came up here to tell you guys we're planning a party for tomorrow night so you guys can invite some friends."

We all agreed but deep down I knew Ricky wouldn't let me actually let loose my first real night in la tomorrow.

He'll let me drink and everything but it's like I have one and then I'm at a risk of being shit faced drunk if I have anything else after.

"I wanna go out to in & out tonight and try it, anyone wanna come with?" I asked.

Most people had plans already but Alex said he'd be down to go instead of playing games that night.

I couldn't help but get exited for a night out with Alex, he's really cute and I wanna get to know him, but from what I've seen so far he's definitely a sweetheart.

Everyone helped me finish up my room and by the time we finished it was about 9 at night.

"I'm gonna get ready to actually get out because this oversized hoodie is not gonna do it." I laughed letting Alex know I'd be ready in a little bit before everyone walked out.

"Hey, if you ask me I think you look pretty cute." He admitted.

"Watch it Alex." Ricky sent him a glare.

"Sorry man." He apologized looking a little afraid, Ricky's glare was quite intense for a simple compliment.

oh lord.

I went to my closet and threw on this outfit before fixing my hair.


banks, thefazeadapt, alissaviolet and 145,969 others likedkayleebengtson ready to go try some in & out 🤪 ( i'll let u know how it is )

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banks, thefazeadapt, alissaviolet and 145,969 others liked
kayleebengtson ready to go try some in & out 🤪 ( i'll let u know how it is )


banks looking good lil sis

fan 1 wait did she move to la with them?

thefazeadapt hurry up and come downstairs I'm hungry

fan 2 ily!!

hater1 ew wtf can she go back home?

alissaviolet MINE


I grabbed my bag and wallet and walked downstairs meeting Alex by the garage door.

"Look who finally decided to show up!" Alex laughed making fun of the fact I took so long just to change.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Who's car?" I asked.

"We can take mine." He told me and I nodded my head in response.

We hopped into his black Range Rover and blasted music the whole way there, turns out we like a lot of the same rappers.

We got there and ate our food which was really good, that shit for sure is not overrated at all, I'd go back tomorrow if I could.

It was pretty late at night and there were a couple sketchy looking people on the streets and I was definitely out of my element not being in my hometown.

A couple creepy guys started giving me looks as we walked down the streets making our way to the car we parked further away since I wanted to walk a little earlier.

I moved closer to Alex and sensing I was uncomfortable, he threw his arm over my shoulders and pulled me into his body.

I felt so much safer with him holding me, and soon enough we finally made it to the car.

The drive home was pretty quiet, we were both pretty tired but it was a comfortable silence, not an awkward one.

We pulled into the Garage of the clouthouse and when we walked into the house I noticed everyone was asleep.

It was late but this was abnormal, I guess I really tired everyone out with my unpacking.

"Tonight was really fun." Alex smiled at me.

"Yeah thanks for showing me a bit of la, your really sweet." I sent one in return as we walked up the stairs.

"Anytime, goodnight Kaylee." He said walking into his room.


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