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I woke up in a bed that was most definitely not mine, with my head pounding.

Sitting up I felt a sharp pain in my head. I peered around the room and realized I was in Alex's room.

Alex.. What happened last night?

It's like I could just feel something went wrong but I couldn't quite remember what.. until Alex walked into the room.

Something about the pain on his face brought back everything that happened between us the night before.

"Morning." He said, obviously uncomfortable.

"Did I pass out?" I asked, not really remembering how I ended up in his bed to be exact.

"Yeah." He stated plainly.

"Okay look, I'm sorry for taking things way out of hand last night but just, why did you move away from me? It just felt like you didn't like it." I blurted out.

"It's not that I didn't like it Kaylee, I just can't do that to Banks. I have too much respect for him." He explained.

"I understand you're really close with my brother but he can't hold me, or you back from something we both want?" I said puzzled.

"Kaylee.. I'm sorry but I just could never disrespect him like that." He looked down, avoiding my eyes.

"If you didn't want me to catch feelings, then why would you even bother leading me on? You clearly have no respect for me. You clearly don't even care about me, why did you even take me to your room?" My voice grew louder, becoming aggravated.

"I don't want us to be like this, can't we just be friends?" His voice spoke softly, but I could see the pain in his eyes.


"I'm not friends with people who play with my feelings." I threw the covers off my body, standing up and walked out of his room.

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes. How could he turn out like this?

I really thought he was different.

I ran up to my room avoiding eye contact with everyone in the house. Luckily Ricky was in his room and wouldn't see me like this.

I love my brother to death but he always has to get in the way of my own decisions.

'Will it ever get better?' I wondered, staring out at the balcony.

short chapter sorry <3

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