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I had a full black look on, ripped jeans with a long sleeve off white top.

I was laying on my bed all afternoon not really doing much, just wanting to see Kaylee again.

Just as my mind wandered back into reality, I heard three knocks at the door.

My heart rate began to increase, it really is crazy how much of an effect she has on me, even just looking my way it's like I lose control of myself.

"Come in." I called out.

Pushing the door open, there she was.

My jaw dropped open seeing her standing there in a tight fit silky red dress.

I looked her up and down and once her eyes met mine I finally fell out of the trance I was in.

"Earth to Alex?" She chuckled, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"Uh sorry, you just look really beautiful." I flashed a cheeky smile in return.

"Aw thanks, you don't look so bad yourself." She stepped closer to me, causing my breath to hitch the closer she got.

"Shall we?" She gestured her elbow out for me to link mine in.

I followed her direction, swallowing the lump in my throat.

What is this girl doing to me?


It felt so good to be linked arms with Alex, I can't really explain it, it just felt right.

We joined everyone in the main club area where all the parties are hosted, and a couple people sent the two of us raised brows, looking down to our elbows linked together.

"Well hello to you two!" Alissa jumped out of Ricky's arm draped around her.

"Hey Alissa." I chuckled, already feeling uncomfortable at the gaze I was held beneath, coming from my brother's direction.

"It's about time you joined the party sis." Ricky said through gritted teeth.

I knew this would bother him, but he can't have this hold over me my whole life, I'm an adult, and I make my own choices.

Alex's arm fell from mine, moving further away from me.

My brows furrowed looking at him, but he sent me nothing in return.

Does he not like having people notice us? Is he ashamed of me or something?

I always overthink, but I wish things could be less complicated.

Ricky and Alex walked off into a corner, my brother's cold glare resting on Alex's eyes.

Fine, if Alex doesn't want people to see us together and try to stay in my brother's perfect vision for me, I guess I just need to focus on something else.

"Wanna go grab some drinks?" I suggested to Alissa.

"Yes bitch! Let's get this shit started!" She cheered pulling my arm towards the large stack of alcohol.

It had been an hour or two and I was completely wasted.

Ricky had tried to slow me down time and time again but I just wouldn't listen. I can't listen to him for my entire life.

It seemed as if even Alissa and Sommer cared more than Alex did.

I don't know why I always expect so much from boys, all I ever get is let down and hurt.

'Starting tonight, I'm not letting myself go through that, I'm going to have fun.' I thought to myself as my eyes met the brown haired boy's from across the room.

I downed a set of five tequila shots ignoring Alissa's multiple attempts to stop me.

I stumbled to the dance floor and began to sway my body from side to side, and allowed myself to fade away from all my anxiety.

I felt two hands wrap around my waist and I turned around to be met face to face with Matthew Espinosa.

Everything was starting to turn into a whirl, my body moving more and more into his, and I knew I was going to pass out, I was losing control.

I tried making my way to the Elevator safely, but I felt my body give out and I collapsed to the ground.


sorry this chapter took so long, I'm gonna try to be a lot more active :)

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