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^^enjoy that


It was the next morning, and I was beyond exited for the day.

Since it was my first actual day in la I decided I'd vlog it to let all my subscribers know why exactly I moved and everything.

I hopped up into the shower but I just couldn't get the night before out of my head.

The way Alex protected me and made me feel safe around those people is starting to mess with my head.

I know I'm starting to like him, but I know that Ricky would never allow me to date one of his friends, especially one of his BEST friends in the house.

I threw my beach blonde hair up into a messy bun and put on a flowly white dress.

As soon as I stepped out of my room I was met face to face with of course, Alex.

"Hey Kaylee, I was just coming to see if you were awake, I'm bored." He spoke.

"Yeah I just finished getting ready." I chuckled.

"So we're throwing that party tonight remember?" He asked, reminding me.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that, today I'm gonna film a YouTube video though." I told him.

"Oh sick, I'm making an appearance in that." He said enthusiastically.

"Okay hold on I'm just going to go quickly film an intro explaining everything before we go do something interesting for them to watch."

He nodded his head signalling he understood, and I turned my heel, opening my door.

I sat down onto my bed after picking up the camera off my desk, turning it on and pressing record.

"Hey guys it's Kaylee! I'm finally back after about a month of not uploading but I swear it's worth it guys. I may or may not have been planning to move to.. LA! I'm actually going to be living with my brother Ricky in the clout house so I guess you can officially say I'm a part of cloutgang! A little later I think Alex who you guys know as faze adapt and I are gonna go do something so I'll definitely bring you guys along."

I stopped the recording, satisfied with what I said and went up to the kitchen to be greeted by Ricky, Alissa and Rice.

"Morning kay!" They all shouted once they saw me walking up the stairs.

"Hey guys." I waved coming closer to the large table they all sat around.

"Are you ready for your first la party tonight?" Alissa wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Okay whoa Alissa, she will not be getting drunk under my supervision." Ricky rolled his eyes.

"Oh my god Rick, your not dad! Can't you just let me let loose for once?" I crossed my arms, not wanting to deal with his protective instincts.

"You know I only want to look out for you Kay." He stared me dead in the eye.

"I know, I'm sorry." I walked around to his side of the table and gave him a hug from behind his chair.

About fifteen minutes later Alex came walking up the stairs.

"There you are! I was thinking we can go to target and do dares or something?"

"Yes! And carpool karaoke on the way?" My eyes lit up at the idea.

"Duh." He explained dragging out the word at the end.

"Are you guys filming or something?" Rice asked.

"Yeah, her first video in la." Alex responded for me.

"Ah i see." He nodded giving Alex a look that I couldn't read.

"Okay we should get going." I told Alex.

"Alright, see you guys lighter!" He yelled.

"Lighter?" I asked as we walked down the stairs heading towards the garage.

"It's my way of saying later, I'll get you saying it by the end of the week, watch me." He smiled.

"We'll see about that." I squinted my eyes back at his brown ones.


hey I haven't posted a chapter in a lil while but omfg I only have two chapters up and I'm already at 100 reads? That's so crazy wow thank you sm ily <3

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