The dog, The cat, and... The badger?

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Sabretooth, who had been scared shitless by Beast, was sitting in a tree, meowing and crying. While Beast, was at the bottom of the tree, clawing the base and trying to get up there.

W: *sitting in a lawn chair with curlers in his hair because Tina put them there* Beast, you bothered me about dancing with Victor, and here you are, scaring the shit out of him while barking.

Beast: *turns away from the tree*... this is fun

S: Not for me! :( Why do you guys torture me like this?

W: Beast, im gonna eat you. *takes his claws out and rips out the hair curlers*

B:... THE HONEY BADGER IS COMING! *grabs sabretooth, puts hin on his back and runs like hell with wolverine chasong after him*

W: *has been hit in the face by iron mans metal groin* OW! *is hit in the ovaries by iron mans metal fist* MY BRAND NEW OVARIES!!!! *falls to the ground*

Tony: can we please go one day without killing each other?

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