Chapter 18: The Command Block

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Petra's eyes were narrowed, her expression stiff with determination. Her right hand firmly clasped around the helm of the diamond sword, gripping it tightly. Jesse's diamond sword.

The horse Petra was sitting on tossed it's head onto the air, snorting anxiously. Letting the sword slide back into the sheath, Petra took the reins with both hands in order to try and steady the animal.

Closing her eyes, Petra took in a deep, shaky breath. For as brave as she looked on the outside, she was terrified on the inside. And for once, she was OK with that.

"We're getting close." Lukas said, steering his horse to ride beside Petra. "You sure you're ready for this?"

"I hope so." Petra responded honestly. "It's hard to not be... well, afraid.

She looked over at Lukas, allowing her fear to show on her face. "Jesse died in this battle, Lukas. She was wearing one of the strongest sets of armour I have ever seen, and she was healthy. She still couldn't make it."

"You know you don't have to do this." Lukas said seriously. "We can still find another way."

"If there was another way, Jesse would have told me to take it." Petra said softly. "I have to trust her. After all, she's the only person who know what's in there. She knows what needs to be done."

Lukas sighed softly, but nodded, before turning to face forwards again. Petra followed his example, turning back around in the saddle.

Despite having had a decent sleep, after her little midnight chat with Aiden, Petra could tell that her Wither Sickness was still continuing to deteriorate. Sweat was already dotted along the rim of her bandanna, and it wasn't from stress.

"What do we do when we get close to the storm?" Petra internally groaned at hearing Olivia's voice, not in the mood to be having a conversation with Maya at that moment.

"I'm afraid I don't know." Lukas replied. "Petra?"

"The same thing Jesse did, get inside the storm. You three already know this." Petra hissed, glancing over her shoulder at the two horses behind her.

Maya and Gill were both sitting on the horse, looking somewhat terrified. Aiden wasn't there, as everybody has agreed it'd be safer for him to stay at the cave – out of harms way, and more importantly out of their way.

"We're going to find a way to get me inside the storm, and you're all going to stand by and wait for me to do my thing in there." Petra said, turning back forward again.

Reuben snorted nervously from his position in front of her on the horse, looking up at her with wide eyes. Petra smiled confidently, a lot more confidently than she felt, at him. Reuben's tense form seemed to relax at the bit of reassurance, nuzzling her shirt with his nose.

"There it is." Lukas said, slowing his horse down slightly, and raising his hand to point.

The Witherstorm was visible in the distance, facing right at them. If Petra didn't know any better, she'd have thought it was grinning at her.

"Leave the horses here." She said, swinging her leg over the saddle and dismounting. "We'll approach on foot."

Reuben jumped into Petra's arms from the saddle, giving her face an enthusiastic lick. Feeling her muscles threaten to cramp beneath the pig's weight, Petra was about to put him down on the ground.

She hesitated, remembering how Reuben had joined Jesse in the battle. Was she really going to put him through it again with her?

"Lukas?" He looked up, hearing Petra's voice. She walked over to him, extending her arms with Reuben in them. "Could you keep him safe, while I'm in there?"

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