Part 4

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Chapter Four

It was two years ago when my life was destroyed before my eyes. I was married and happy. Utterly and blindingly happy. I was naive to all the world, and rejoiced in it. I laughed and smiled everyday. I was young and inexperience about the world. At that time, I did not care one bit. I thought that there was good in everyone. How naive I was!

It was when my husband and I were on a trip into Virginia that my world of stupid bliss ended. How could a simple trip we had done many times change my life so horribly and profoundly? We were just driving along enjoying being together. There was a lot of traffic for a Tuesday, but we did not think anything of it. Just the normal traffic outside DC.

I was staring out the window thinking that it was a beautiful day when a truck veered right into my side of the vehicle. It was going far too fast for all of this traffic. My body easily moved and I felt pain along my right side from the impact. Everything was happening so fast that fear was all I could comprehend. All that I knew at the time was of fear.

The truck forced us into three other cars. Soon our car was tumbling over and over sideways down the interstate. I felt so weightless the whole time. When our car final stopped, I was unconscious. The moment I came to, I was aware that voices were screaming and shouting. I was upside down with my arms hanging down to the roof of the car. People were trying to scramble to all the vehicles involved in the accident, including ours.

I moved my head over to my husband. My vision was blurry, but I could make him out. He was laboring for air worse than I was. He was covered with blood that was pouring down from him as he hung where his seatbelt held him. Slowly his laboring grew still and his eyes grew empty as he died. I tried to scream and shout at him not to leave me, but I had no voice. I could not move. I had broken almost every bone in my body. I was slipping away from the scene again when the ambulances had shown up. I never felt the struggle they had removing me from the car.

The next time I woke was in a hospital. I was aware of two things. First would be that I could feel the most horrendous pain ever throughout my body. The pain was everywhere with no end. Second would be the most intense numbing sensation throughout my body that tried to mask the pain, but failed. It was like being hypersensitive and feeling nothing at all at the same time.

The doctors would come into my room periodically and would remark about my condition. Most gave me three days to live. I had overheard that I had several lacerations on many of my vital organs. I would have surely died on an operation table if they tried to fix them all. So they let me die slowly. Painfully slow because they thought I was not conscious to any pain. There was no way for me to tell them they were wrong.

The second day was when a new doctor came into my room with one of the many doctors that have looked in on me. They looked over my chart and discussed transferring me to another hospital. People there specialized in lost causes such as mine. I had a bad feeling about that place, but I could not say anything.


"Her vitals are starting to fail. If we don't admit her now, she will surely die. She is perfect for the experimental treatment we have created." The new doctor was telling my current urgent care doctor. He really wanted me. I was a lost cause. Just let me die already.

"Its not my call. You need to get permission from her family."

I heard the rustle of papers. "We already have their permission. Now please step aside. You have done your best up until now. Let us help her the rest of the way."

I heard the huff of resignation. "I will get the paperwork started then." My doctor left my room.

The new doctor walked forward. I felt him close to me as I laid on the hospital bed. "Welcome to your new life my dear. Lets just see what you will become for us." I felt a stick of something in my arm, and then the world was gone from me again.

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