Part 3

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Chapter Three

Well, when I got home, Keith saw the satchel and had to see it. Then he saw the application inside and read it. He demanded I fill it out and summit it. Under his watchful eyes, I did fill it out. At six o'clock, we watched the news for Darien's announcement. He was still wearing the same suit, but a different tie. Before Darien had on a red power tie. Now he has on an ice blue tie. He is probibly matching my eye color.

I waited four days to submit my application. I had pictures attached to my application as requested on the form. Keith helped me pick out the best ones to submit. It was really nice having a best friend that lives with you.

I decided to go 'normal' to hand in the application. I learned how to not look like an angel a month ago and was getting better at it all the time. I learned how when I was meditating once. I felt the light that created me and started to pull in into me. I don't know what made me think of it, I just did it.

Keith thought I was a burglar when he saw me in my 'normal' form, but I ran to my room and changed back. He searched my room for an hour before he would listen to me. He asked for a demonstration which I did though it was painful. I made a mental note never to show him that ever again by the look in his eyes.

I was running down the street when I saw Darien Price waiting for his car in front of a high end restaurant. Then my heart nearly stopped as someone accidentally pushed him into the street. I ran and made it just in time to catch him before he hit the ground. I pushed him backward as a speeding taxi rushed by. I laid on top of him with his back on the sidewalk.

"Are you alright?" I bit back adding 'Darien' as if I knew him. He would not recognize me right now. I got off of him and looked him over. Thank god he was unharmed but had a bit dirty from the sidewalk.

"Thank you. You are the second woman this week to save my life." Um, technically the same woman, but I was not going to correct him. He sat up and brushed off the dirt from the sidewalk. "What's your name?"

"Joy D'Anges." I looked to my watch. "Damn. Sorry to save and run, but I need to be somewhere." I started off again to the fashion show location to submit my application. I weaved in and out of the crowd effortlessly. I made it with five minutes to spare. I walked over to the front desk and told them I was here to submit a fashion show application. They directed me to a table across the room.

"Application?" The severly serious woman behind the desk ask in a way of a greeting. I dug into my satchel, and yes the same one Darien gave me. I searched once, twice, three times. Not there. My heart sank when I realized it was gone. "You don't have it, do you?"

"I did. It must have fallen out." I hung my head.

"You must be Joy D'Anges then." I snapped my head up and wandered how she knew.

"Yes I am." Strange how she knew my name, then I remembered giving it to Darien. He really likes thanking those who save his life.

"You have friends in high places. You are to go to Price Towers. Darien Price wishes to see you ASAP." I just stared at her. "You shouldn't keep him waiting." I shook my head and turned to the doors. I set off going to Price Towers which was just two blocks away.

I walked through the front doors and saw the huge lobby with three stories high ceiling and glass windows all around. I walked up to the massive 'control center' of a front desk. "Excuse me. I was told to come here by the charity fashion show lady." I told the tight end man in a solid black suit with a grey stripped tie. He had on horn rimmed glasses.

"Joy D'Anges?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes." Everyone knew my name now. Damn Darien was fast.

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