Part 16

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Chapter Sixteen

It was about ten when Darien said that we should leave for the appointment. I looked at my wings and thought about going out in public looking like this. People always stared and there was always too much attention. "Should I look normal?" Darien came out of the kitchen and touched my wings.

He was thinking for a moment while he held me in his arms feeling the base of my wings. "We can go with you like this. I don't want you to do anything that may hurt you or the baby." He stroked my wings making me purr for him. He knew how to make me happy with just a touch.

After a minute, Darien took my hand and we left the suite. I hate not being able to fly anywhere I needed to be. At least all the papers know Darien and I were a couple. We got Darius to break the news in an exclusive. My actual first exclusive ever both written and video. That was the first time Darius looked decent. He had to for the cameras. The world had actually accepted us together, something that had once plagued my thoughts before the press conference. Darien had to hold my hand to keep me calm the whole time.

Down at the lobby, the press went crazy like always when Darien takes me anywhere in public. Though today they keep asking about what happened to me yesterday. The guards tried their best to shield Darien and I from the reporters and photographers, but they had to work harder today. I was pushed many times into Darien who held me tighter as the reporters tried to get answers from us.

All the lights were making me hot and dizzy, but I managed to hold myself together till we got into the limo. I had to think of Darien to keep me centered and calm. I laid down along the side seats in the limo when the doors closed. I heard Darien shuffle around in the bar for a moment. I looked over at him and he had a glass of water for me. "You look like you're hot again." He said as he handed me the glass. I sat up and drank some while he moved to sit behind me. The water tempered the dizziness and I did feel better. I laid my head back onto his lap. I placed the glass on my forehead letting the cold from the ice cool me down the rest of the way.

"I felt dizzy again too. I guess they go hand in hand. Being dizzy and hot." The feeling of being dizzy was subsiding as the limo made its way through the city. Darien stroked my hair and I removed the glass from my head when I started to feel cool. I felt so much better now. So much so that I purred as Darien stroked my hair. He smiled down at me as I smiled up at him.

It only took the limo twenty minutes to get to our destination. The limo pulled into a parking garage of a medical center that Darien's company co-owns. I sat up and got ready to get out. My heart tightened. I was becoming anxious. Doctors, I really don't like doctors. The driver opened the door of the limo and I took an unsteady breathe.

I took Darien's arm when we were out of the limo. He tried to sooth me as we walked to the elevator. I pressed myself closer to him in the elevator and my wings tightened around my shoulders as I was panicking. I was shaking as the doors opened.

I looked out and there was no one in the halls. Not a single person. This surprised me. There should be others going to their appointments. This was a very good medical center. One of the best in the city.

The halls reminded me of the third floor of the corporation's hospital. The warm cherry wood rested along the floor and wrapped about five inches up the wall. This place was inviting with the warn cream wall color with a decorative band along the middle of the walls. All the doors were frosted glass and delicate writing of which doctor was through which door with the doctor's profession below their name.

Darien started to walk down the hall with me holding on to him. He lead me down the hall to the fourth door on the right. The door told me that the doctor's name was Patricia Long and she was an ob/gyn. He pushed the doors open as I started to shake even more. I shifted to stand behind Darien when I saw people waiting for us. My body had moved on its own.

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