Part 5

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Chapter Five

The next week was filled with every medical test imaginable. Though getting an MRI was interesting with my wings. Anytime I started to get restless, they would move involuntarily. In the end they had to bind my wings to my back to get the reading. Well, the MRI could not get a very clear image through my skin. They had to settle for a partial reading. Something about my skin fascinated every doctor who examined me.

I found out the doctors' names. The one that had first examined me was Dr. James Sabers. He was the most delighted to see me each day. Though his stares seemed to creep me out every time. He looked like he was seeing more than a test subject like the others saw me. He was nice and okay looking, though something was missing in him. Something that turned me away from him and made me feel self-conscious about my body.

The skeptical doctor was named Dr. Edward Bascté. He really was not sure I should have been created. Well, that's what I thought by the way he looked at me. I found out it was because I was a young woman. He was extremely sexist and hated anyone younger than thirty. Too immature for his liking. Though there was something in him that he was hiding. I could feel it, but I never saw it most of the time. He hid it very well.


"I have been thinking about what we should call you." Dr. Sabers said after the last of the tests were finished. "How about the name Bast?" He opened the door to the examining room for me to leave it. I tightened my wings as I always did leaving a room with Dr. Sabers. He liked to get a little too close for my tastes.

"The Egyptian cat goddess. Bast means the Devouring Lady you know." I did not like thinking of Bast that way, but that was what it seemed he was leading to. She only devoured those who crossed her or harmed one of those she protected, especially her cats.

"She was also the most beloved goddess in Egypt. Most people still love her." His eyes made me think he wanted me for more than an experiment. When he said 'love', his voice became soft and caressing in a sort of romantic way, though with him it was not very romantic.

"I know. I studied her before along with other gods and goddesses. She was my favorite goddess ever." I even had a statue of her I got from the Luxor in Las Vages when I went with my husband before I was of gambling age.

"So that's what I will call you. Bast." He smiled as he walked next to me down the hall. We were on the fourth floor of the hospital where most of the labs were. They had tried to take a blood sample from me today, but failed again. When they took the needle out of my arm, the blood just sucked itself back into me before the needle was all the was out. Days ago they had tried to take blood and went too quickly. The needle snapped and broke against my skin.

"She never had wings." I shot a thumb over my shoulder at my wings. When I did, I unfurled them an inch. I don't know if I could fly yet. I looked down sad at the thought of not feeling the air under my wings.

"Why are you sad Bast?"

"I was thinking of my wings and wondering if I could fly."

"You want to find out?" I nodded for him. He took my hand and led me to the elevator and pushed the button for the first floor. I cringed remembering the last time I was on the first floor. The pain. Almost dying. "Are you alright?"

"I don't like the first floor."

"Do you want me to take you to the roof?" I nodded again as I closed my eyes to the memories of that pain a week ago. The elevator stopped before the first floor and started going up to the top floor. I sighed and opened my eyes as we passed the third floor. "Better?"

"Yes. Thank you." I stared at the buttons of the elevator and counted my heart beats. One hundred and seven beats passed when the light for the top floor went out and the doors opened. Dr. Sabers took my hand again and led me to the stairs where he opened the door for me and let me passed through it first.

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