Part 12

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Chapter Twelve

We just made love while our friends waited in the other room. Darien sighed as he released me when he finished. He felt guilty that we just did that again. I readjusted my top as I grabbed his hand. I intertwined his fingers with mine. I pulled him back to me and I kissed him lovingly.

He pulled away from me and duck his head down. "I'm sorry again for not stopping myself."

"Thank you for giving me what I needed, you. You helped me forget that I am different from everyone else. With you, I am just a woman. You gave me strength to accept myself. I feel whole and loved again." And I did. I did not doubt myself anymore. If he loves me for who and what I am, than I must not doubt that I maybe perfect as I am.

"I feel like I have been taking advantage of you."

"Please don't feel like that. You can never take advantage of me for I offered myself freely to you. I love you."

He looked me in my eyes. "I love you too." His eyes told me that he loved me beyond anything else. He sighed and looked down again. "I know we have not been together very long. Well only technically a day, but I feel strongly about this." He got down on one knee before me. He lifted his eyes to mine again and lifted one of my hands to him. "I have been in love with you from the moment I met you. Marry me?" His eyes were pleading with me.

I took in a deep breathe and it never came out. I was not prepared for my dream to come true. That Darien Price would want me enough to marry me. We have been in a kind of dance for months. Him showing up to any event that I was invited to, and I secretly flying by his penthouse just to catch a glimpse of him. A tear fell from my eyes at how happy he just made me, but would the world accept us together? My voice was quiet. "Yes."

"You will?" All I could do was nod for him. He smiled at me widely.

"Hey Darien why the hell have you not left her alone ye...t?" Keith rounded the corner of the divider and saw Darien smiling up at me as he was down on one knee before me. "Honey... If he just ask what I think he asked, say yes!"

"She already has." Darien's response was so loving and ecstatic. Darien's eyes sparkled with the same delight that I had. Darien kissed my hand and then rose to kiss me. Keith made a high pitched gay squeal of joy which made me twist away from him, and stop kissing Darien, to the bed with my hands to my ears till he stopped squealing.

"Man what the hell was that about?" Darius came in after Keith finished squealing. "That was too loud to be natural. My ears are ringing and I was out there."

I shifted so I could see Darius stood, which was next to Keith at the entrance of Darien's bedroom staring at Keith. Keith was smiling brightly at Darien and me. I could see his mind coming up with hair styles he could do for my hair that day.

"Okay... I missed something major!" Darius crossed his arms. He did not understand or get the clues about Darien and me. For a reporter, he was definitely clueless about things that involve love.

I pressed my lips to Darien's ear that was opposite Darius. "Should we tell your reporter friend?" I leaned back. Darien looked over at Darius with a big grin and tilted his head. He thought for about two minutes as his smile grew larger.

Darien looked back at me. "I think he should sweat it out for a bit." I laughed along with Keith. Darien placed his lips to my ear. "At least until I get you a ring. Or would you prefer a necklace? One with titanium, tungsten steel, and diamonds to go with your outfit." I was smiling and biting my lower lip.

"Oh come on, what are you two whispering about?" Darius was getting antsy. I looked up at him and started to laugh. He was so funny because he was tapping his foot with his hands still crossed. His face was so stern and impatient. I could hear Darien laughing with me. "I'll report your secrets, both of yall's!"

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