Rants - Running

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If any of you reading actually like to run or do track, please realize that this is my opinion.

Anyway, running a mile. In 95 degree weather.

Lol, maybe not 95 degrees, but still.

I hate running. I can sprint pretty fast, but I just hate myself afterwards. I also can't do distance racing.

What happened to me?


So, guys(or girls if you don't like being called guys), if you want to do a sport that involves running, I'm totally supporting you on that.

I played basketball for three years. I had fun, yes, but schoolwork would get in the way and it just lost its appeal for me.

I'm as fit as can be without playing a sport, aka, out of shape.

I got really sidetracked, didn't I?

Running a track multiple times is hell for me. Even though it's not boiling hot, it was last year.

I think I died.

Of laziness.

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