Rants - Fake Fans

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I'm pretty sure I touched upon this subject before, but it's still annoys me to the point of no return.

The dreaded "fake fan".

I'm talking about those who have no idea whatsoever what they are talking about, and don't even own up to it.

What also ties in with this are people accusing others of being a "fake" fan or not being a "real" fan because they don't know every little thing about every little band member/book/tv show.

That's just stupid.

For band members, you're there for the music, not for the biography of a guitarist or vocalist. It's pushing it when you don't know at least the members' first names, but I understand that you just want to listen to the music. Just please, please don't call yourself a "die-hard" fan if you don't know much. People will blow up on you more than they do if you just think you're a fan.

For books, that's completely understandable. Like with Harry Potter and the queen J.K. Rowling, she posts facts on Pottermore or says them during interviews. You don't have to read every post or watch every interview to be a potterhead, I promise. Just don't act like you know everything and then get something wrong, and it especially pisses me off when people get facts wrong that were in the books. This counts for other books.

For tv shows, well, it's kind of the same as books. Actors may reveal information about a character or event in an interview, but goddamn you don't have to waste your life figuring out what's going on. And, besides, you should be there for the show, not for the actors' life story. Sure, it's awesome to know about an actor who plays a character you like, but calling someone a fake fan because they don't know where the actor was born and at what time is just shit.

I feel like I'm repeating myself, so I'll stop there.

New chapter of "Go To Sleep" will be out soon, I just needed to catch up on schoolwork.

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