Chapter 1

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(Komaeda's P.O.V.)

     God damn it! im gonna be late! my luck has been worse then ever today first i wake up late, then i forget to eat breakfast, and now when i get to class im gonna have to deal with a scolding from Ms.Kiroko. lets just hope that something good will come later in exchange for this bad luck.

     when i got to class the teacher was looking at the bord so i snuck in and sat at my seat hopeing that she wouldnt notice my sudden precense. but the one person who never looks up noticed, Chiaki."hey Komaeda" she whispers whithout looking up, though, i wouldnt expect her to."hey" i whispered back. Then the teacher turned around 'im dead' i thought "oh! it seems ive forgotten to take attendence!" i sighed in releif after she said that. she then took atendence like usual and continued to talk about some group project we would have tomarrow i wasnt fully listening so i dont know what it was about.

     class ended and everyone except Chiaki ran for the door"hey Chiaki are you comeing?" after i said this she looked up slightly and noticed it was just me and her then grabbed her bag and we headed to our next class. we have the same first half of the scedule so we usualy walk to class together in the morning. shes nice company,though, she never looks at you and bearly ever talks because she thinks slowly and by the time she finds something to say your usualy off the topic already.

     we had to walk all the way up the stairs and then to the other side of the school to get to our next class which was biology. im the best in this class my mom being a phicyatrist and all that fun stuff.when we got there we sat in our usual spot in the back,i sat next to the window.after everyone got there the teacher started teaching his stuff but i didnt pay atention though because i already knew this stuff since i was like ,i dont know, 10? 12? i just looked out the window istead of listening untill he called on me to aswer the question that was on the bord. "Nagito, you can answer the question since you seem to not be paying attention" the teacher said. and i was prepared well to make a great comeback, but i didnt."the largest bone in the human body it the femur bone located in your thigh." i said in my sirius answer voice that i dont use to often."very go-" he was cut off by the office calling me down. He looked at me with a 'what the frick did you do' face. but since it was the office that called me down he told me to be on my way and i started to head down to the office.

      i started thinking about different reasons why i would be being called down to the office. then i rememberd that i was late this morning. how could i forget my trashy luck getting the best of me?! i chuckled to myself. i continued walking and prepared myself for a good long scolding for being late to class. i got to the door to the office and knocked on it."come in" a monotoned voice answerd. i walked in and saw Mr.Korto smile at me.wait, SMILE? EH? wasnt i in trouble?" Nagito so nice to see you!"he said happily" good morning Mr.Korto"i replied."i hope you woulnt mind me haveing a request of you would you?"he asked. hes allways been way to nice for his position." no, i wouldnt mind it. what do you need?""well there is going to be a new student at this school tomarrow his name is Hajime Hinata, hes here because he had a hard time makeing friends at his old school and was bullied i would like you to show him around the school, be their first friend, and protect them from any bullies here. okay?"he told me. "okay but, i have one question?"oh no, i know where this is going and its down"okay, lay it on me"he said smileing dopeyly"why would you choose trash like me to do this job?"the mood changed from happy to quiet and disapoited."Nagito" he said in a mello tone."how many times do we all have to tell you your one of Hopes Peak academys precias students. your the shl lucky student not trash. how do you call yourself trash so often?"he said be totally honest, i dont know mabey because im just here because of some random lotary i won and diddnt desereve the prize of this new kid Hajime probally deseverd it more then me.

     i left the office heading back upstairs but i got stopped infront of the stairs by Junko."Komaedaaaaa~" she sang as she through herself at me" hows my favorite little despair-filled-hope-bagle doing?"she asked" im fine" i said hopeing she would let me go." how about me , you , mikan, and mukero paint our nails today at my house?" she stated it as a fact like i didnt have a choice"sure sounds fun" she then let go of me from her tight hug and dragged me off with her. she took me to the computer lab and sat down at one of the computers colse to the door. and put in the name 'Hajime Hinata' she oviasly knew that it was him being the new student or she was eavesdropping on my coversation, she was more then likely have Mukero or Mikan eavsedrop for her. after the computer loaded the stuff up she clicked on the 'images' option up at the top and moved away from the screen and gestured for me to come take a look at the screen. and i did so as she asked. and i was amazed.

A/N: this was the first chapter and im leaving it on a cliffhanger for why Komaeda was amazedfind out in the next chapter and i hoped that you enjoyed this chapter any opinions on this just comment them and i take them into thought i have to go to sleep now though ill try to post daily or i'll give you days that i will post new chapters. Bye!

P.S. this wasnt what i had typed out origanally but this is what i have

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