chapter 6

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A.N. i was looking at komahina memes on instagram and gaind back my komahina spirit, so im now continueing this story:)

(Chiaki's P.O.V.)

     so i guess im getting Komaeda with Hajime. he's allways talking about how cute he is. who wouldnt geuss that he had a crush on him?"Valentines day is comeing up so thats why we have this. be a good friend and help your friends get the courage to ask out their crush. the deadline is the day after Valentines day." the bell rang after that. i looked up slightly and looked at Komaeda. He was a blushing mess. i kinda feel bad right now. hes never had any courage now he has to ask out his crush?"so, your name is Chiaki right?" the other kid at the table asked."yeah" i looked back down at my 3ds. i was playing a Detective game. i was allways really good at the detective games specifectly, for some reason." so who are we going t help with their crush?" Hajime? yeah Hajime asked.wait, ooooooh. now i understand why Komaeda is dieing. its because his crush is in our group."i dont know, ask Komaeda" thats probaly not the best idea but ,whatever, im to tired to think rashinally right now. i might fall asleep in our next class.

(Komaeda's P.O.V.)

     oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, nooooooooooooo. please dont make it me. please dont choose to help me! i was tryiing to hide my face from Hajime and Chiaki but it was kinda hard. 'please let me die' i kept mumbleing over and over again."do you want help Ko?" Hajime asked it"no" i quickly shot back you could baerly tell what i said. only Chiaki knew what i said and 'translated it'." yep he wants help"  whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Chiaki?!

A.N. my brother said that Komahina was his least faveorite shipout of anything and im here thinking'even Naegi x Mousetrap?' yeah........ dont question how my mind works.

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