chapter 7

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(Hajime's P.O.V.)

     i guess that were helping Ko. time for dissapointment, already. he wouldnt like me in that way. he's probaly not even gay." are we gonna get going or what?" Ko asked. he was probally trying to get away from the topic of this project." we probally should" i answerd him before Chiaki did. it seemd that she was still trying to think of what to say.

     " im gonna warn you Biology is super boring Hajime"Ko said" really?" we got to Biology not to soon after he said that. we where still there before the teacher which was good. when we got to class i was releaved that there where three person desks. Ko lead me to the table in the far beck and sat down, he patted the seat next to him indicateing that he wanted me to sit there.

     a girl with purple hair ran in and tripped over nothing. a girl with blond hair in pigtails wearing in a kimono started to tell her how stupid and clumsey she was" dont try to stop them Hajime, youll only get hurt." Ko whisperd to me." GET YOU STUPID FAT PIG! YOUR SO CLUMSEY AND USELESS!" the girl in the kimono yelled"i--im s-sorryyyyyyyyyyy!" the puple haired girl started to cry. if im being totally honest , it hurt to just sit there and watch this happen. my instincs kicked in and completely ingored Ko's warning. i walked over and helped the purple haired girl up " t-th- thank y-you!" she smiled" i-im Mikan ts-Tsumiki, i-i a-am f-f-forever in your d-debt" she said. forever in my debt? i just helped her up and now away from this girl. the girl with blond hair was standing the pouting and looking me over.. now that i can see her more clearly , is she even old enough to be in this class? she looks 10 or 12. " hey dicktwitch!" mouth turned to a twisted smile. she through a punch but almost like he teleported, Ko was there to stop her. he sighed." i told you not to intervene" he mumbled." oh hey Nagito!" the blond girl said, Ko twitched. he did say that he perferd me to call him Komaeda rather then his first name. he never did explain why." of all the things to call me why do you allways choose my first name?" he was looking down at the moment so i couldnt tell what his emtions where at the moment. i couldnt even tell by his voice, it was monotone." oh what, do you wanna go die now?!" she said kicking him in the stomache, he didnt even bother to stop her" Hajime go sit down." he said. i didnt want to but i body listened to him as if my life depended on it." why dont you go sleep in a trashcan? not like you havent done it before." she was so happy with her statement she didnt relize that the teacher had walked in. "HIYOKO SAIONJI! princables office now!" he yelled. Ko colapsed after she left. Mikan ran over to him." Hajime go help Mikan bring Nagito to the nurses office." he ordered me. let me remind you. my crush just colapsed in front of me, am i stable enough to carry him? NO!

     i got up and headed over to Ko. i wanted to die. this was acually my fault. i didnt listen to him. i mean its not like hes dead, right? he'll be fine, right? i had to carry him on my back. suprisingly, he was very light.

     when we got to the nurses office the nurse wasnt there. when we sat Ko down on ne of the beds that there where in there, i had noticed somebleeding on him.his nose was bleeding but to be axpected. when hes colapsed he hit his face on a desk. jeese, he has horrible luck. Mikan ran over to us with some of the medicine. i notified her about the fact that his nose was bleeding. she ran over to one of the cubards and grabbed some tissues to soak up the blood.

     the bell ran saying that class had finally started. Mikan started out of the room. i said that i would be there in a second. i just looked at Ko. trying to reason with my mind if he would be mad at me or not. there is absolutely no denieing the fact that he got hurt because of me. i was crying on the inside. ive never tried to hold in tears before. it was quite hard. i didnt want him to hate me allready. people allways hate me at somepoint. i wonder if now is his time or if he's a forgiveing person.

A.N. i will be starting a new story to day! isnt it exciteing! im excited. i will still be posting new chpters on this story so dont worry, if you like this story it will not be ending! also as usual. please comment other ships that you would like me to write other storys for. i enjoy writeing them.

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