Creator of the Cassette, Help!

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I'm at a dead end.

I have searched and searched but without your help,

father, I don't know how far I'll go.

You sit there and just listen to your own overplayed cassette.

Don't forget you have assisted in the creation of another cassette.

You must help in the start of this cassette.

The first few notes that flow from that cassette must come from the creators.

To show the ways that this cassette can go.

Like being lost in the dark constantly searching for light as you turn the corner taking the only lamp with you as you gaze at the lost searching for a light blindly that you have snatched from their unknowing grasps.

Show your active heart as theirs yearns for approval. 

They can only do so much.

Will you just sit there and taunt?

Holding the key to their survival?

You reiterate the very thing that they keep saying that they need to do.

Although you keep neglecting that the through these steps you are a key factor.

They can only do so much.

They can only do so much.

I can only do so much.

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