Emerge from the Shadow

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I long for the nights,

where I can walk home in the rain. 

I want that feeling of being drenched in the cold.

This may sound odd,

coming from someone who hates the cold.

I feel like it would be humbling.

The true relief as I run to the car to escape the water falling like bullets.

I don't know if I will ever get this experience.

I can always pray to whatever all mighty being is out there,

hoping that one day I can receive this odd serenity.

I truthfully believe that you can't have flowers or rainbows without a little rain,

but why not have a hurricane?

Could you even fathom what type of serendipity would come afterwards?

Once all of the tiny pieces that have been completely scattered,

are put back into place.

Like a million piece puzzle you were nearly finished with was completely torn apart and you had to start from scratch.

You would scream in anguish at first,

but soon you would relax in pain and exhaustion from the tears.

You would work swiftly in silence to pick all the pieces up and organize the mess.

From the cave you would soon emerge,

and all the pieces will be put together.

You would have your finished puzzle.

So as I speak about this puzzle,

don't let me distract you.

I too need a tornado,

before I emerge from the shadow.

I need every little thing I've done wrong,

to hit me at once.

I need to fall apart,

before I can be put together.

I need a little water,

before I can become a beautiful flower.

I need a little water,

before I can be a rainbow,

I need a little water,

to survive.

But please give me a hurricane,

so I can thrive.

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