Chapter Six

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Yasmin sat at her table,her eyes glancing over the children in the class as they commenced with their given work.

A smile took over Yasmin’s face and she could not help but submerge herself into this environment.An environment that always felt like home even through a few disruptive students were always in their moods.

Yasmin’s eyes fell on two students,one was on the girls side and the other on the boys side.The girl was engrossed in talking to her friends while the guy kept on looking at her.Yasmin smiled when at one stage the girl turned her head slightly,caught sight of the boy and quickly turned her head.

This brought back memories and she shook her head,as she stood up.

“Okay class.Tomorrow your presentations are due.Girls,I want you all to come to the table and do it.The boys will do it in front of the entire class.Remember I will only give you'll two days to do it.Any questions?”

No hands went up and Yasmin nodded,”Good.Start packing all your stuff away.Quietly.” She commanded the last word when the noise level went a tad bit higher and the sound of shh from others,helped to keep everything calm.

Yasmin sat at the table and she packed away the remaining papers,along with her laptop.

Her phone vibrated and Yasmin reached for it.There was a few messages on her friend group,that she had once again joined.It was three months after the wedding and they were all once again as close as ever.

Zazu:Guys wanna meet up on Saturday,I gotta ask you all something

Zana:You wanna have children?I doubt we can help you in that but your hubby can 😏

Yasmin:Hehehe 😏😏

Sameeha:Ohhhhh 😁 yeah non of us can help sorry 😏😂😂 still single pringles here 🙋‍♀️

Zazu:Go away guys 🙄 don't you dare say Okay Byeeee Zana 🙄😒

Zana:Damn gurl you rained on my parade 🙄

Zazu:Just how Man City rained on Liverpool parade 😏😂😂

Zana:Eff you and Man city bruh 🙄😒

Yasmin:Were are we meeting thou?

Zazu:Turkish Masjid only us girls for Zuhur and lunch

Yasmin:Okay shup



Zana:Okay Byeeee 😂


Yasmin smiled as her best friends started their nonsense again and she got up just as the bell rang.

“As salaam mu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa brakatu muallimah.”

“Wa alaykum mu salaam wa rahmatullahi wa brakatu.You all can leave.” The students walked out and Yasmin followed them,with a wish that Saturday would come sooner so that she could see her best friends.

Huzaifa sat in front of his friends,laughing and joking.The tiredness he had felt before coming to meet his friends had faded away.It had been three months since Farooq and Zahraa had gotten married.Three months since he had seen her.

“Y’all do know there's something we haven't spoke about?” They all looked at Luqmaan,confused before Zayaan spoke.

“About what?Your status of being single?Don't worry we ain't interested in knowing.”

Luqmaan flipped him off before looking at Huzaifa with a smirk.Huzaifa raised an eyebrow,wondering where this was going.


“Not what,more like who.”

“Fine who?”

“Yasmin and you.” Huzaifa cursed Luqmaan internally and almost winced when Farooq and Zayaan both leaned forward,looking very interested in what was about to go down.

“There's nothing.”

Luqmaan leaned back very relaxed,”That's not what your look said on Farooq’s wedding day.That look held a lot of meaning.”

Huzaifa shook his head,”Eff off bruh.”

“Now I'm also interested.What was that look about?” Huzaifa glared at Farooq before rolling his eyes.

“It was nothing.”

“Well that look was really something.I mean it was intense.I hope you don't have any bad intentions.” Huzaifa narrowed his eyes at Zayaan.

“Are you out of your bloody head,Zayaan?Is that how low you think of me.”

Zayaan raised his hands as a gesture of surrender,”Woah,chill mehn.I'm just saying.We've never seen you look like that and it was fishy.”

“Well,it was nothing now lay off.” Huzaifa lifted the glass to his lips and a sip of the milkshake only to almost choke at Farooq’s next words.

“We will see about that when we all go for two and a half weeks to Badplaas.”

“Who's the we,boss?” Farooq looked at all of them ever smug.

“The reason I called you'll here is to say that Zahraa and I wnat us all to go out together before our honeymoon phase is over,so what better place then Badplaas.Zahraa ordered me to tell you'll that we paying and we'll all go in a combi together.What's way?”

“Yes!A holiday just what I needed.”

“Give me a date and time and I'll be there.”

They all looked at Huzaifa when he did not answer and he shook his head,”I don't know if I'll be able to take off.I….”

“Oh please Huzaifa,you've hardly ever taken off and you probably have so many holiday days on your calender plus this is a before hand notice.Unless,you don't want to come cause you scared.”

Huzaifa sat up,eyes narrowed,”Scared of what?Huh,tell me?”

“Yasmin.Your feelings.Feeling deep about her.You tell us.”

Huzaifa ran his hand through his hair and silently cursed his friends.Damnit.They had put him in a tight spot but maybe this was also a way to know if maybe,just maybe if he had a chance with Yasmin.

He took a deep breath,glaring at his friends,”Okay fine.I'll come.”

That night as Zahraa brushed her hair she glanced at Farooq in the mirror.

“What did Huzaifa say?”

Farooq smiled at his wife as he sat on their bed,gosh even three months later that sounded good to say.

“He said yeah.Now you just got to play your cards right.Did Yasmin agree?”

Zahraa nodded her head,”Yep she did.I just hope that this all works out.I want to see her happy.”

“Me too,love.I hope that Allah has written their names together.Yasmin deserves her happiness once again.”

Zahraa nodded her head as she stood up and walked to her husband.Farooq opened his legs and looked up at her as she came closer,putting her hands on his shoulders.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

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