Chapter 11: Arrival

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It had been a few hours since she got home, and a few hours since she called Apollo. He had been checking her over, and he was starting to worry her.

"Apollo, just tell me if everything is ok." She said, and he just looked at her.

"Percy, tell me honestly, does your stomach hurt?" He Asked, and Percy nodded yes. Apollo suddenly grew very concerned, especially since Percy suddenly screamed in pain.

"Cuz, what's wrong?!?" He Asked, and he dreaded the answer.

"The baby's coming!" Percy Cried out, as she screamed in pain. Apollo cursed, and he called Alfred.

"Alfred, we need Bruce. The babies are coming now, and we don't have time to get her to the hospital. I'm gonna have to deliver the babies here, ok." He said, and Alfred nodded. Once he left, Apollo used his powers to change Percy into a medical dress.

"Percy, I'm not gonna lie, I might need to cut you open to get the babies out." Apollo said, and Percy just glared at her cousin.

"I don't give two schists what you do, just make sure the babies are born alive!" She screamed, as another round of contractions wrecked her body. Apollo snapped his fingers and a hospital bed appeared, and he magically carried Percy to it.

"Ok, I'm gonna sedate you. To lessen the pain." He said, and Percy nodded. Apollo gave her pain reducing meds, then he got to work.

He had just begun to operate when he realized how early the babies were, they needed like a few more months to grow and develop.

"Master Apollo, Master Bruce and Richard are here." Alfred Said, and Apollo just looked at the man.

"Nobody is allowed to enter this room till the babies are born, is that understood?!?" Apollo shouted, Alfred nodded then shut the door.

Turning back to his cousin, Apollo began the procedure. He was using his godly powers to help the babies once they were out of Percy.

The first one was a female, definitely with Hades blessing. Next was a girl with Poseidon's blessing, well they all have small blessings from Poseidon, this one just got the full package.

Then was a baby girl with Zeus' blessing, then a boy with Hermes', a boy with his, a girl with Artemis', a boy with Hephaestus, a girl with Aphrodite, a daughter with Athena, a boy with Demeter, a boy with D, a girl with Hera, and a girl with Hestia. Ares has blessed them all with great combat skills, and of course Poseidon blessed any child of Percy's with the ability to breath underwater.

There were a lot of babies, but what else can be expected when the entire Olympian council blesses you to have a child with their powers?! He was seriously gonna yell at his family for doing that, he thought they were just allowing her kids to possibly inherit their powers, not subject her to having thirteen children!

Checking on the babies, they all were sound asleep. He made sure that they were perfectly healthy, and even if they were a bit under weight, the babies were strong and healthy.

He had them in order from how they came out, he also had birth certificates magically made as each child came out. With the exact time, gender, and weight (after he helped them a bit). Their names will automatically appear on the certificate, He is making it a bit easier for his little cousin.

He closed Percy up, dumped some water on her. It healed up her wound, and then he levitated her to the bed. Where he let her sleep, she just had a brutal labor, she deserved her rest.

Apollo then exited the room, and found everyone waiting. By everyone, he means Bruce, Dick, and Alfred.

"Everything went smoothly, I had to do a C section due to some complications, however all the babies are healthy. Percy is currently asleep, it was a brutal labor. You may go in, but I need to get my family down here to explain some things." Apollo said, he told them to look away, then he flashed to Olympus.

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