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The rest of that week and the following week work in a similar fashion.

Wake up

Go to breakfast

Eat breakfast with Toby (!)

Go to class

Go to second class

Go to café for lunch

Eat lunch with Toby (!)

Go to room to study

Text Toby (!)

Go to dinner

Eat dinner with Toby (!)

Walk back to room with Toby (!)

Get goodnight kiss on the cheek from Toby (!)

Get in bed

Get a text from Toby (!)

Go to sleep


Every day, all week long, that's been the schedule, and I do not mind one bit because he is kind, and funny, and beautiful, and likes books, and likes me, and is interested in what I'm interested in, and beautiful, and likes food, and beautiful.

Did I mention he's beautiful?

Because he is.

I'm swooning.

"Hello darling," a deep English voice says behind me and, suddenly, there are two strong arms wrapped around my waist as the distinct scent of Polo Black by Ralph Lauren seeps into my nostrils and a smile lifts my lips.

"Hi," I say, leaning into his touch. He's a very affectionate person and I do not mind one bit. I like it a lot, actually.

"What would you like to do tonight? It's Friday, so we can do whatever you want," he offers.

"Um, there's a new Italian restaurant nearby. Do you want to check it out? It's not far, so we could walk," I suggest and he smiles at me.

"Sounds perfect, do you want to go now or do you want to get ready first? That is, if you want to change, I mean," he says, all too smoothly. I like how smooth he is with me.

"I'm ready now," I say and my stomach grumbles loudly, signalling that it, too, is ready now.

"Well, the almighty stomach has spoken. We must feed it at once!" He shouts, pretending to sound like a knight in King Arthur's court which makes me laugh.

He throws his arms around my shoulders, "Good God I just love your laugh, Ni! It's so contagious and full of joy and beautiful, just like you," he exclaims, making my face burn red.

I turn around to bury my face in his chest and he holds me there tightly, hugging me. I love how his arms feel around me.

"Come on, babe, let's go get some dinner, okay?" He says once he's done embarrassing me, so I nod in response and we start walking.

Nick has asked me about Toby a few times, and I smile every time he does. I'm so smitten.

We walk for about ten minutes to the restaurant as he chats about his classes that day, telling me about something that happened in his class. I'm not paying attention to his story, on accident, because I'm so busy thinking about how wonderful the man beside me is.

I'm a second year in Uni, and he's a fourth year, so he's two years older than I am, but I don't mind.

"You're not listening to me, are you?" He asks, sounding not at all upset.

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