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The following month passes, but not without event. There have been a few more acts of vandalism on my door, but nothing that we can't either wash off or remove. For instance, someone stuck a condom on the door with a sign that said, "Don't reproduce."

Clever, right?

Because I'm totally capable of reproducing with another man. Way to get at me, stranger.

Walking around campus, random strangers have taken to saying unbelievably rude and awful things to me out of nowhere. I guess Toby is telling people all of the horrible things I have done, whatever they may be, and those people have taken it upon themselves to lash out at me for whatever acts Toby is accusing me of.

About a week after term started, I was sitting in the library doing some studying with Zayn and Nick. But Nick had gone to get some food and Zayn was on the hunt for a book, so I was sitting there alone, which was stressful enough as is because I don't particularly fancy being out in public alone like that in the first place. But it was even more stressful this time around because I knew Toby had all of his minions on the lookout for me, and Toby himself could pop up anywhere, at any time. So I was scared, to say the least.

Well...some random guy came up to me and started telling me how awful of a person I am, and how I deserve what's coming to me. He told me that, 'Sluts like me don't deserve to be happy,' because that totally makes sense. He gave me such an angry, hateful look that it actually made me hate myself, and I didn't even do anything wrong.

I didn't do anything wrong, right?

Needless to say, I was pretty shaken up. I don't really leave my room unless I have to, now. I'll go to breakfast with Harry (when he insists, but most days I just stay in the room), then class, then back to my room, Harry's room, or Zayn's room. That's it. That's pretty much all I do now a days, because I'm a bit too scared to be out in public at the moment. Toby or his worker bees could appear out of nowhere and make my life a living hell.

Even more so than they already have.

Despite the fact that I seldom leave my room, I still have to go to class, and walking to my classes is when I get the most comments. I don't even know these people and they're going out of their way to tell me that I should kill myself, or that I'm going to hell, or that I'm a terrible person that deserves whatever shit life happens throws at me.

So...I'm doing great.

My stuttering has gone down some, but not much. I've started eating again, but in truth, it's not much. I sleep a little more because the nightmares have died down quite a bit. Blessedly. I'm not sure why, but maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm sleeping in Harry's arms each night. It helps knowing I have him there with me because he's there to soothe me if anything happens, and I go to sleep thinking about how happy I am to know that he loves me, instead of going to sleep dwelling on Toby and what he may do to me.

Nick has also become the brother I've always wanted. Well, the brother I used to have was the brother I'd always wanted, so he's back to being one of my best mates, as well as being protective of me. I just wish it hadn't come down to an abusive boyfriend trying to kill me to get him to talk to me. That sucks.

Harry and I have kissed a few more times, and it gives me butterflies each time. I...I don't really know what's going on with us. I mean, we literally sleep together every night, he kisses me often, he holds my hand, tells me I'm beautiful, tells me he loves me, but we aren't boyfriends. Despite what he said to Toby, we aren't boyfriends. He hasn't asked me to be his boyfriend and we haven't gone on a single date, so I think it's justified that I'm just a wee bit confused as to what is happening with us.

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