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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing obnoxiously loud in my ear.

"Hello," I groan, still eighty percent asleep.

"Niall, where are you?" Toby's voice asks urgently.

"In bed," I answer, still too asleep to understand what's happening.

"Why aren't you in the dining hall?" He demands.

"What?" I ask, checking the clock and seeing I'm late for our eight a.m. Saturday morning breakfast, "Oh shit, sorry babe I overslept, I'll be there in ten."

"You better be," he says sharply before hanging up on me. Great. I've angered him.

I jump down from my bed and start getting dressed quickly, not really caring if I look awful.

I pull on some day old jeans, grab a clean shirt, throw on my trainers and a snapback hat and rush out the door ignoring the questions from an annoyed Nick as to why I'm moving so fast.

I run to the dining hall and find Toby sitting in a booth with a bowl of cereal and glass of apple juice across from him. Aw, he got me breakfast.

"I'm so sorry, babe, I totally forgot to set an alarm," I apologize again right when I sit down.

"It's alright, I got your food for you. What did Nick need last night?" He asks, making me freeze a little.

"Um, he just wanted some help with thinking of a Christmas present for his boyfriend and wanted my opinion. He has no ideas yet," I lie, hoping he buys it.

"Oh, what did you come up with?" He asks, sounding interested.

"Nothing good. Harry is a hard person to buy gifts for, and I couldn't think of anything. He's going to go shopping soon to hopefully find something."

I'm quick.

"Got it. Other than that, how was your night?"

"Not very long, I fell asleep right when I finished with Nick so nothing else happened," I explain, leaving out the part where I yelled at Harry.

I feel awful about that.

I've never yelled at him before. He was always my closest friend, but last night I was just so angry with how he had ditched me and that he's now pretending to care about me, so I snapped. I regret it so much, but he really hurt me and I guess I wanted him to know.

"Good. How is your cheek? It looks awful. I'm sorry about that, it was a total accident, my love. It will never happen again," he apologizes so sincerely, "I could never hurt you, Ni, I love you too much. Do you forgive me?"

I freeze ever so slightly and contemplate my next words. I could say I don't forgive him and that I don't want to be with him anymore, but is that even the truth?

I really do like him.

I may not be in love with him, but I definitely love him in one way or another. I have love for him.

"Of course, no harm done. It was an accident, I forgive you. I love you too," I say with a small smile on my face. He leans across the table to kiss me which I gladly reciprocate. He promised it would never happen again and I believe him. He's so sweet, he could never hurt me.

When we separate, we're both smiling wide. He really makes me so happy. We finish breakfast and part ways because he has to go to work.

"See you tomorrow, same time?" He asks as he drops me off back at my room.

"Of course, I could never pass up the opportunity to see your face," I say cheekily and he smiles.

He hooks his hand on the back of my neck and pulls my lips to his a little harshly, but I don't mind. It just shows me how much he wants me, too.

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