Chapter One: Devil's Eyebrow and Angel's Smile

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     Erza really hated when dark guilds thought the world of themselves.

     Erza had stopped by a local tavern while on her way back from her solo mission when she overheard some drunk dark mages talking a little too loudly about how they were so going to have some fun with Fairy Tail while all of their scary members left for the annual S-Class trials.

     She remembered crushing her mug before throwing it at the back of one of the fools' head.

     "Ow, what the hell?!" He had exclaimed before standing up proudly, his back still facing her. "If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get."

     Some of his buddies had already caught on to who she was and were gesturing him to shut up but the dimwit continued.

     "Guess I'll just have to-" He had started as he turned around, only stopping when he had caught sight of Erza, realizing only too late who she was. 

     A whimper of fear had barely made it's way out of his mouth before she had grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the table.

     "What guild are you from?" Erza had asked, her tone deadly.

     "D-D-Devil's... E-E-E-Eyeb-b-br-r-r-row." He had stammered, coughing harshly when she had let go of his throat.

     "If I were you," Erza had begun. "I would make sure to tell your guild master... and all his little buddies, that if I were them..."

     She had leaned in close to him before whispering menacingly.

     "I'd think twice about attacking Fairy Tail. After all, I'll be staying there to personally make sure any dark mage who even thinks of attacking will get the punishment they deserve."

     She had then leaned back and he had yelped in fright as soon as he got a good look at the terrifying expression of fury on her face.

     "Do I make myself clear?"

     The foolish mage had answered by scrambling off the table and running out of the bar joining his buddies, who were already long gone.


     Erza sighed as she finished recounting the events to Master Makarov and watched as he frowned, taking in the information before sighing.

     "Well, I guess we'll have to change some things then." He grumbled. "You'll have to stay here and keep watch."

     Erza nodded, assuming that would have to happen.

     "Well originally I was gonna leave Macao in charge but you'll have to do instead." Master Makarov grinned at her goofily. "Guess I'll get to retire for a little bit, huh?"

     Erza froze in shock before stammering out excuses why she couldn't possibly be left in charge.

     "Ah, shut up." He waved her concerns away, cheeky grin still on his face. "If you're that concerned about it then why I don't I assign Lucy to co-master the guild with you while I'm away?"

     Erza blanched, clearly not expecting the compromise he gave her.

     "If Lucy can put up with you and that team of idiots that she can certainly help you out." Master Makarov said before laughing pervertedly. "Besides, two banging bodies is better than one!"

     Erza blushed intensely, steam coming out of her ears.

     "Master!" She scolded. "You shouldn't say such indecent things."

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