Chapter Two: Goodbyes and Grave News

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It was finally time for the guild's S-Class and S-Class hopefuls to begin their journey to Tenrou Island. Lucy was sad to see them go but knew it was for the best. As much as she wanted them to stay or take her with them, she had been trusted with a duty she couldn't ignore.

She still couldn't believe that Master Makarov had decided to give her the role of master, it was hard for her to wrap her head around. After voicing her doubts in the guild the other day, Fairy Tail had surprised her with their faith in her. Lucy couldn't find it in herself to take that faith for granted, so she would give it her all.

Her only relief was that Erza would be master alongside her. Lucy didn't think she could handle it alone.

Erza tapped Lucy's shoulder, bringing her out of her thoughts, and pointed at the fairly large wooden boat in front of them.

"We're here." She said and Lucy nodded before making her way over to the group of Fairy Tail mages getting ready to leave.

"Cana!" Lucy called, making her way over to the card mage and grasping her hands. "Good luck!"

"Thanks, Lucy." The brunette smiled half-heartedly. "I'll do my best."

"And..." Lucy whispered. "Please, tell Guildarts, no matter what happens. If not for your own sake, then for his. He deserves to know."

"I'll... think about it," Cana replied, looking uncertain.

"That's all I can ask," Lucy said solemnly before repeating her well wishes and moving on to her next targets.

"Natsu! Happy! Good luck!"

"Thanks, Luce!" Natsu replied cheerily. "See you soon!"

"Bye Lushy!" Happy shouted. "We'll be back soon!"

"See you later guys!" she insisted. "Don't do anything stupid!"

"No promises!" Natsu cackled and ran onto the ship, obviously forgetting about his motion sickness.

She huffed, fond exasperation welling up in her. Those fools.

"Lu-chan!" Levy exclaimed. "See you later!"

"See you later, Levy-chan!" Lucy replied, waving.

"Bye Lucy!" called Gray.

"See ya, Gray!" She called.

"Lucy. Take good care of the guild."

Turning, she saw Master Makarov standing before her, unusually stern.

"Of course," Lucy reassured. "I wouldn't dream of doing anything else."

The small elderly man nodded before making his way onto the boat.

Before Lucy knew it all her goodbyes had been said and done. It took quite some time seeing as most of her friends were leaving. Sadness clouded her for a moment before she shook it off. Natsu, Gray, Levy, Cana... All of them deserved the chance to become S-Class. As much as she wanted to be by their sides, Lucy knew she did not yet deserve that rank. Maybe one day but... today was not that day. No matter how much she wanted it to be.

As she watched the boat sail away into the distance, Lucy felt lonely. Erza made her way to her side however and Lucy pushed the feeling away. She still had nakama here and they were counting on her. Lucy just really hoped she didn't mess it up.

They watched the ship go until it was no longer able to be seen. Erza, taking that as her cue, looked over at her fellow master.

"Lucy," Erza said. "Let's head back to the guild. We have work to do."

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