Chapter Four: Rebuild and Recruit

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"Welcome to the big leagues, Erza, Lucy." Master Ooba of Lamia Scale introduced. "This is where the masters meet now. After the Clover location was destroyed on Team Natsu's first job, of course."

The girls ducked their heads sheepishly.

"Uh, sorry about that."

"No need to worry!" Master Bob waved their apologies away. "That's all in the past."

Erza and Lucy sat down at one of the many tables that littered the room. The tables were rectangular and they all faced a single circular table in the middle. An older man in council robes sat at that table, busy fiddling with a lacrima.

"Here's how these meetings work: we discuss current events first, before each guild master has the chance to update everyone on any news they've overheard that they consider important. Day two, the council brings any concerns to the guilds and the guild does the same for them." Master Goldmine explained, fidgeting with his hat all the while.

Tables began to fill up as more guild masters made their way to their seats. Soon enough, every seat was filled and the council member had put his lacrima away.

"Welcome! I'm Dajuke Shoji, for those of you that are new." The man introduced, standing up.

"He says that every time and very rarely are any of us new." Master Bob whispered to the girls.

"I will spin you if you are not quiet."

Shoji cleared his throat.

"First off, we have current events. Fairy Tail's members are still missing and their Masters, Erza and Lucy, are no longer considered temporary masters. Welcome." The councilman stated.

The guild masters politely clapped.

"The royal family has also presented a new idea to the council called the Grand Magic Games. The games would be conducted every year and each guild would be able to send a team to compete. It would be in Crocus, the capital, and would be transmitted via lacrima. This event would determine which guild is the strongest in Fiore. The floor is now open."

The guild masters murmured to themselves before one of them raised their hands.

"Go ahead, Master Dijon."

"Thank you. First I'd like to welcome Masters Lucy and Erza to their first meeting." He paused for effect. "And second, I have a question about the Grand Magic Games. How many members are allowed per team?"


Tears dripped down Erza's face as she sobbed quietly in the girl's bathroom. Her hands gripped the counter and she struggled to stay standing.


"I don't know why I'm crying." The girl spit out. "I... I shouldn't be crying but hearing about Acnologia and... everything again just... Lucy, I'm so tired of crying."

"Grief." Lucy said solemnly. "Takes years to settle in. It doesn't just go away, even when we want it to be gone."

The girls stood quietly for a moment as Erza took the moment to recompose herself. Lucy waited until the girl was done before continuing.

"Thank you, Lucy." Erza sighed. "Sometimes it's hard to remember that."

"Erza..." She hestitated. "I don't know if this is the best time to ask but...would you train me? I... I need to be stronger."

"Of course." The girl murmured before placing a hand on Lucy's shoulder. "But please... promise me that you'll remember you're already strong."

"...I promise."

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