Chapter Three: Searching and Supporting

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After saying their piece, Erza and Lucy made their way to their office, leaving the rest of Fairy Tail to talk among themselves. As soon as they had exited the guild's view Lucy had grasped Erza's hand tightly, looking for support. They made their way from the joint waiting room in between the two offices toward Erza's personal office area.

They sat down on the couch in Erza's office, tears streaming down their faces. Leaning against one another, Erza carefully shifted them from holding hands to holding on to each other for dear life.

The clock ticked in the office, the sound bringing a sense of reality to the situation. This nightmare... was real. So unfortunately real. Erza and Lucy sat, taking in the seriousness of the situation. It was silent for a while. The clock ticked and the girls trembled.

Nothing felt real except the clock. It was hard to grasp the situation. The strongest people they knew... were missing. A dark feeling settled in their stomachs.

"Erza..." Lucy whispered. "Do you think they were transported to somewhere like Edolas?"

"For all we know, they could be in Edolas..." The girl replied. "We... we have no leads."

They listened to the clock, quiet again.

"We're gonna need some help looking for them." Lucy murmured, fidgeting with a strand of Erza's scarlet locks.

"Let's go get a full report from the council first."


Lucy slammed the door behind her, having returned from dealing with the council.

"What gives them the right? An internal investigation?! WE'RE NOT A DARK GUILD!" She snarled, whipping around to look at Erza, who had come with her. "I know the council doesn't like us but that's really low. Using memory magic to make us think someone is one of our own? Despicable!"

"Lucy..." Erza sighed.

"Sure, we're not the easiest to manage." Lucy hissed. "But we do not deserve this treatment."


"What?" she spat.

"I understand that it sucks!" Erza began. "Trust me, I do! But we need to focus on looking for them, not on the council's shortcomings."

Lucy sighed heavily and collapsed into her office's desk chair.

"Where do we even begin?" she asked, the fight gone from her voice.

"With Fairy Tail's allies."


Erza and Lucy entered Blue Pegasus, gaining the attention of most of the guild's members.

"Lucy. Erza." Hibiki greeted pleasantly. "What brings you here?"

"Nothing fun, that's for sure," Lucy replied, the look on her face turning sour before she forcefully smoothed it out. "It's nice to see you again Hibiki. Do you know where Master Bob is?"

"Erza! My honey!~" Ichiya flirted, coming out of nowhere. "How thoughtful of you to visit me!~"

"Not the time, Ichiya," Erza said, ignoring her instincts screaming at her to kick the old pervert into a wall. "We're here to speak with Master Bob."

"I hear you need to speak with me?" Said man questioned, walking over to them. "Where's Makarov? He should be back by now, yes?"

Erza and Lucy both looked away, pain overriding their senses. The Blue Pegasus guild quieted.

"I see." Master Bob sighed. "Has his age finally got to him?"

"No." Erza murmured. "He and many other Fairy Tail mages have disappeared."

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