Chapter Six: Change

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"Awesome guys! I think that's a good way to end our training!" Lucy cheered.

The group sighed in relief and got up to stretch out their sore muscles.

"Lucy and I wanted to compliment everyone on their improvement." Erza smiled, pleased. "We will inform you of your most improved area as you stretch so go ahead and start."

The mages began their stretches and popped some of their sore muscles with grins on their faces. It had certainly been a long session today, seeing as it was their last. All of them felt more ready than they had before to take on the Grand Magic Games. It was no secret both Erza and Lucy were happy with their progress and the pride the two had for them made the results they had earned even sweeter.

"Romeo." Lucy began with a grin. "You improved the most when it came to flexibility. It was really cool when you finally learned how to do the splits. I was very impressed."

The boy blushed happily. Wakaba ruffled his hair with a kind smile and the kid batted at him playfully.

"Alzack," Erza said. "You made the most improvement in your endurance. I have a feeling this will really help you out. Good job."

"I can't tell if she's complimenting me or not..." Alzack whispered to his girlfriend.

She replied with a chuckle.

"Droy. Your strength improved a lot, as I'm sure you've noticed." Lucy teased lightheartedly. "You have gotten quite muscley and it was cool to see in progress."

The large muscled man ducked his head sheepishly, rubbing his neck.

"Wakaba. It was interesting to see your magic grow in Lucy's meditations. You impressed me with your concentration." Erza nodded at the man.

He gave her a thumbs up.

"I think it was impressing because no one's seen you concentrate before. It's a real improvement." Macao teased under his breath.

Wakaba elbowed him in the ribs sharply with a roll of his eyes.

"Kiyoko." Lucy absentmindedly stopped said girl from tipping over when she did a pose similar to a flamingo. "I was surprised to see how much your magical bond with Droy has grown. Teamwork is a wonderful thing and it's great to see that in your magic."

Her cheeks reddened but the corners of her lips turned up nonetheless.

"Macao. You improved the most in endurance." Erza announced. "Good work."

"Er, thanks Erza..." Macao replied awkwardly.

"Wonder why she didn't say something nice about you, huh?" Wakaba goaded him.

The fire mage shoved him and Wakaba laughed. Macao shook his head good-naturedly.

"Bisca." Lucy interrupted, entertained. "You improved the most in strength. I was very impressed when I compared your first score to your last."

Bisca grinned proudly and Alzack shot her a smile.

"Thank you guys for working so hard!" Lucy clapped her hands.

"Thanks for teaching us, Master." Wakaba grinned.

Lucy blushed scarlet and Erza huffed, amused at her reaction.

Erza wondered privately if Lucy would ever get used to the title.


Fairy Tail was always a crazy guild but after most of their more wild members left to Tenrou island, the guild tended to be calmer unless something was happening. And boy, was something happening. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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