Chapter Five: Training and Complaining

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Erza clapped her armored hands together, creating a very loud sound.


"Erza, what the hell?!"

"Listen up!" She announced, cutting the guild's complaints short. "Lucy and I have an announcement to make. The council has decided something."

The guild settled, their curiosity winning over their annoyance. 

"Lucy, if you will."

"The council has decided to host an annual competition where guilds will compete against each other for the title of the strongest guild in Fiore," Lucy said, not making eye contact with anyone, still uncomfortable with the amount of attention being guild master gets you. "We currently have that title from stories and things we've done so if we didn't go it would look bad and gain us a lot of negative attention."

The guild began chattering excitedly.

"Hold your horses, everyone!" Lucy exclaimed, pressing a finger against her lips and waiting for the guild to quiet before continuing. "To compete in this, you will be required to train with Erza and I."

"Aw, come on! Why can't we compete as we are?"

"What's the point of training?!"

"This is bulls-"

Erza whistled sharply, cutting off the many protests.

"You do not have to compete. We are asking those who want to compete to train with us so we can choose teams." She said sternly. "It will also be a good opportunity to grow for those who don't end up being on the team."

"Anyone is allowed to come so it's more a large group training sessions than anything else," Lucy interjected diplomatically. "The sessions will be held every Tuesday and Friday at 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM. Seeing as tomorrow is Tuesday, we'll start then. Make sure to sign up with Kinana so we can guesstimate how many people are coming."

"Dismissed," Erza announced curtly and Lucy stifled a giggle at how much like an army lieutenant she seemed.

A cough distracted her and she looked towards the guild curiously.

"Actually, um, Alzack and I have an announcement." Bisca piped up, her cheeks pink.

"We're, uh, dating." Alzack finished for her, very red and not looking anyone in the eye.

The guild exploded in congratulations, as well as some crude jokes, and Lucy watched the newly announced couple's faces get redder and redder.

She snorted when she looked over and noticed Erza's shocked face.

"I keep forgetting how close you and Bisca are." Lucy chuckled. "Why are you so surprised?"

Erza suddenly gained a proud facial expression and clutched her hand to her chest, tears dripping down her face.

"She did it..." Erza sniffed, absolutely ecstatic. "Bisca!"

Lucy laughed when Erza jumped off the second floor and dashed toward the couple. She picked them both up, crushing them into her very armored chest.

"She forgot to unequip her armor again..." Kinana remarked beside her, feeling bad for the couple.

The guild collectively winced when Erza hugged them even tighter and sobbed in delight.


Fairy Tail partied for the rest of the night. Unfortunately, that meant those who decided to sign up for the Grand Magic Games training were very hungover and tired when they arrived.

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