Chapter Four

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Dedicated to vildelovescakes:

My new follower~ Thanks for voting! I hope you read the rest of this story, and comment~


Rhyme Talbot

The water was insanely comforting as it slid down my dirt covered skin. I couldn't even remember the last time I had a shower, I never remember them being so relaxing; I was always a bath person. Speaking of baths, this shower was a bath and shower combined, but unlike the small ones you find in apartments this one was huge. It was so wide I could almost straighten my legs across if I sat down, it was so long I could barely touch the other side when laying in the bottom, and it was so deep if I filled the tub all the way up my shoulders would be submerged sitting straight. Unfortunately I couldn't experiment and take a bath because I was starting to feel myself nod off in the shower.

I quickly got to work scrubbing down my body with the soap bar I found, washing my hair with the shampoo and rinsing thoroughly. As soon as all the suds were gone I hoped out of the shower and dried off. It didn't take long because Stygian's towels were huge, made for big guys like him not tiny kids like me. When I my skin was dry I worked on my hair before pulling up the shorts Stygian gave me to wear. I couldn't believe how nice everyone here was. True, Anon and Dallas treated me like a friend even though we met less than two hours ago, Alpha Crayton was a fair and understanding man, and Stygian... Stygian was great, he wasn't talkative and he gave off a constant aura of power and domination but he was kind and sweet. I felt so comfortable around him; if not a little nervous. The only other person I'd ever been this comfortable with was my mother.

I found a hair brush in a drawer of the double sink across the bathroom from the tub. I brushed out the tangled mess and studied my reflection.

My mismatched eyes were almost bloodshot with heavy bags under them; my sightless dark blue eye bore an irritated scar over it running from my brow to my cheekbone diagonally. Most guys thought looking 'pretty' was a bad thing but I honestly didn't mind my girlish features; long eyelashes, naturally soft hair, round almond eyes, round diamond face shape, subtle jaw line, plump lips, small and slightly upturned nose, delicate hands, thin arms, and long legs. It was just me. Sure I might come across as looking 'weak' but I can prove that wrong in a heartbeat so why should I be upset about my looks? At least I wasn't ugly.

Well, I guess my scars make me ugly. I have so many; too many. Jagged scars littered my torso and the blatant one on my face. I hated them so much but there was nothing I could do. I just hope my mate won't mind, seeing that I'll be a part of a pack my chances of finding my mate should be high which makes my heart flutter. I long to no longer be alone, to have someone who will love me unconditionally, to find comfort and security. The only problem is; how will this affect them?

I have bad nightmares, I'm insecure, I can't take care of anyone; I can hardly take care of myself. How am I supposed to protect my mate? Sometimes I find myself wishing I could have a male mate so that he could take care of me instead. But that is impossible; at least I think it is. I really don't know much about mates, my mother was killed before I got interested in the whole mate idea. But now my sixteenth birthday is just two months away, and I'll start feeling the pull of my mate. I know I won't be able to ignore it, especially if my mate is close by.

I let out a deep sigh. There was no use worrying about it right now. I was too tired to think properly anyway. I left the mirror and shrugged on Stygian's oversized shirt as I walked out of the open bathroom door and into the bed room area of Stygian's room.

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