I don't know how to say this, but my farewell will come very very soon. My heart hurts from everything. It's hard to stay. It's getting harder to hold on. I told people to not let me fall, and jump off the edge. They failed. It's been 5 years. I don't need one more. Life's abuse. This is my fate. Everything is worthless. Those 9 smiles on stage got me through much more than planned. Baek, Lay, Chanyeol, Sehun, Suho, Chen, Kai, Kyungsoo, and Minseok. Thank you.
Saranghae.Jonghyun, i need you more than ever. I've been here alone, without you. I've been so distant from everyone because all i needed and wanted was just a simple "it was a dream." I told myself to wake up. I told myself to die. I've begged on my knees. Tell me, world, do you know what it's like to beg on your knees to God and ask him to kill you? Do you know what it's like to lose someone like Jonghyun? The only light in this world? The sun doesn't shine as bright. What's the point? Why not end it?
Exo, and Jonghyun, thank you. Saranghae.
Exo, my promise isn't broken. I'll watch over you. I'll send you my love. If you shall continue as 9 on stage, I'll be smiling with Jonghyun. Watching my 13 boys. Exo and SHINee. I would say 14, but one is with me. I can't wait to finally be at peace.
Farewell. - Ts