||7 minutes in Heaven||South Korea x Reader

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Koreso=South Korea's nickname
Y/n=Your name(obviously)
Norea is North Korea incase you don't know :3 I just made it up. Koreso too

*Y/n's P.O.V.*

Being housemates with Countries like North Korea, China and Russia wasn't all bad actually. It's fun having them, even if Norea, or North Korea, and China fight alot. Eh it would only last about 5 minutes or so. I don't really have anything to do today so I'm just watching some Netflix on my phone when I suddenly get a notification.

Koreso... Koreso... Oh right! F*ck! How could I forget South Korea?! My BFF... Scratch that actually, my crush... I've been crushing on him for God knows how long...

Koreso: Hey Y/n

Y/n: Hey Koresoooooo

Koreso: Stop adding multiple 'O's Y/n. It makes me think drunk people could actually type what they would say!XD

Y/n: Hey shut up! I don't drink that much!

Koreso: Okay fine. Anyways, wanna go to my house tonight? Japan texted Norea and China. They're going.

Y/n: Umm, sure! What time?

Koreso: Around 2:30pm or something

Y/n: Wait what r we gonna do?

Koreso: S L E E P O V E R ~

Y/n: Hell yes, count me in

Y/n: Kay Koreso. Bai

Koreso: Bye

I have an hour and 30min. left... I just decide to pack my stuff...

Norea, China and I went to go to Koreso's house. It's just a normal day today. Nothing special... It's just a sleepover. Don't overreact Y/n...
(Author Yin: Russia went out to drink with Germany and America)

*China's P.O.V.*

Y/n really hasn't been herself today... And of all people she told me her little secret about Koreso. "Y/n. We're almost there. Keep yourself together" I whispered to her. Lucky for us Norea's just wearing headphones so he can't hear what we're talking about. Hopefully...

*Y/n's P.O.V.*

Finally in Koreso's house. Norea knocked on his brother's door and found a short-ish neko peek out of it. "Norea-kun, China-kun, Y/n-chan! You can come in. We invited some others too!" Japan said. We just went in, and sat on the couch.

"Japan, where's the others?" I aksed. It seems empty. Barely any people in here.
"They aren't here yet. Koreso went to get them since they don't know where we live... Hehe" She replied in her normal high-pitched tone.

Few moments later the rest arrived. Koreso, Canada and Thailand (Author Yin again: Thailand is a female here coz I needz me one more girl). "Hey guys! Sorry we took so long" said that one bean you adore so much. "No worries, we just got here actually!" China said to him.

After that we just went to watch a movie, eat and play some games. "Guys! I have the purr-fect game. Eyy ya get it?" Thailand finger-gunned Japan. "Haha very funny Thai" the neko said sarcastically.

"Anyways, it's 7 minuets in heaven. You guys know how to play, don't cha?" The Asean country asked. "What the f**k is that?" Norea sweared. But this time his tone was a bit calmer than usual. It's normal for China, Koreso, Japan and I.

"Well, two people((or more like countries? Idk)) are chosen to spend 7 minutes alone in a dark, enclosed room. While doing that, they could do whatever they want! And I mean ANYTHING" ((author Yin is being dirty minded now)) The Thai country explained. China stood up from the bean bag he was sitting on and said

"Well in that case... Y/n, Koreso, go". My face turned to a light pink and I shot China with a "I hate you" and "I'm gonna kill you" look together with a hint of "God, thank you" look. Before Koreso or I had a chance to speak, Japan pushed us both to the guest's room "Since nobody is using this room, we'll use it for the 7 minutes in heaven!" She said with a small smirk. "But Thailand said enclosed" I shot a look back at her. "Go to the closet then dum dums!" The neko said.

She pushed us in the closet, turns off the lights and closes the door. It was total silence for 2 minutes. I have to tell him. This is my chance. It's now or never, somebody might tell him.

Before I could even speak, he looked at me and patted my head. "Y/n, I have something to say to you" he said stuttering a few words. "Look Y/n, it's obvious. China always makes things obvious unintentionally" he said as he looked back at the closet door.

"I love you too Y/n" he said as he wrapped his arms around me. I can't believe it "K-Koreso... I didn't-" before I could finish my sentence, he spoke up(Author Yin:Did ya think he was gonna kiss you? No? Ok)

"I thought Japan would make it obvious" he laughs and faceplams. I smiled at him. He smiled back. He leaned over for a kiss for what felt like forever. Until...

"HOLY MACARONI ON A PICKLE PIE!" Canada fanboyed. Koreso and I pushed eachother. The house went silent. "What just happened?!" Thailand asked. Norea looked back at the other 3 and smiled. "I caught my OTP on tape..." he said showing them the video. They all fanboyed and fangirled.

I can feel my face getting as red as a tomato. No wait, 5 times redder than a tomato. Koreso just grabbed my arm and left the room. "Oh and by the way, China and Japan are up next. You're welcome you two!" He yelled on his way out. China and Japan just starred at eachother until Canada, Norea and Thailand pushed them in the closet, turned the lights off and left.

The end!

977 words in total (not including this thing) :O that's alot actually anyways, sorry for uploading rarely. I keep on making animations for my YouTube channel, VanillaYin Bean•
Next is gonna be PhilxReader then GermanyxReader maybe :)

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