Cafè and Annoyance - USA🇺🇸

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It's been a year or so, hasn't it? I'm sorry I left you all like that but I'll try to make more. This one is based of an AU I found on TikTok. And I'm using (Y/n) and (F/n)'s pronouns as "they/their/them" because I want this to be gender neutral👌
•This oneshot includes•
>A Soulmate AU

Once you're 16, whatever you write on your body will appear on your soulmate's body too.

*3rd Person POV*

"Alright (Y/n)," (F/n) said scrolling their phone.
They look up at (Y/n) "Which cafè shhhh-".
(Y/n) looked at (F/n) "What?".
(Y/n) was confused at why their friend is staring at them with big eyes and a face that reads "Wtf"

"Look at the mirror," (F/n) sighed.
"What?! Again?!" (Y/n) screeched as they ran to the mirror.

"Hello duck"
That's what's written on (Y/n)'s forehead.
"Duck? You kidding me?" (Y/n) rolled their eyes and grabbed out a marker.
(F/n) sighed "You're gonna respond?".
"A little 'Hi' back won't hurt,"
"Well, ok"

After writting "U a Chicken thot" on your arm, you grab a cardigan(if you're not wearing long sleeves) to cover that up.
(F/n) looks back at you.
"So which cafè are we going to?".
"Obviously the one that's a couple of blocks away. That's the nearest and I heard they just opened," (Y/n) shot up.
"Plus I like that branch alot!" they said opening the door.
(Y/n) grabbed their friend's hand and went outside.

They were both walking to the cafè. In a couple of blocks, they reached the cafè.
"(Y/n), you order. I'll find us a place to sit" (F/n) told their friend "Espresso for me. If no espresso make it a latte," they left and went to find a table.
(Y/n) just shrugged and got in line. They waited for their turn since the line was pretty long, but not too long. After a couple of minutes, it was (Y/n)'s turn to order.

"Hi, I'd like an Espresso and a(n) *insert drink you want*," You told the person. They nodded and repreated your order. After a while you get your receipt and they give (Y/n) this buzzing thingy(y'know, the thing that buzzes and lights up when it's your order? that one). (Y/n) went to find the table where (F/n) is seated. They saw (F/n) talking to 2 other people... er, counties?

They went over to (F/n).
"Hey I ordered now, egghead," (Y/n) sat on a vacant chair on the table.
"Thanks," Their friend answered.
"By the way, these are my other friends! They just came in here perfect timing!" (F/n) said.

They two beings waved at (Y/n). One had the Canadian flag and the other one had an American flag. (Y/n) was pretty good at geography.
"Hello! I'm Canada! This is my annoying older brother, USA," the Canadian flag faced man introduced himself and his brother.
"You can call me America or Ame by the way," he shot a finger gun. (Y/n) could tell this country was bi.
"Nice to meet you two! I'm (Y/n)" They introduced themselves.

The buzzer thing buzzed and (Y/n) went to get their's and (F/n)'s order. After (Y/n) came back, the four were doing a little chit chatting, spilling some tea here and there, until USA spoke.
"Damn, I have an annoying soulmate" he complained.
(Y/n) took a sip from their drink and agreed "Me too. They keep drawing on my face,".

"That's just almost every soulmate though," Canada chuckled and (F/n) nodded.
USA brought out a red marker.
"Time for some payback" he said as he wrote an 'L' on his forehead.
They all started laughing until (F/n) broke it "Ehm... (Y/n)...?".

The two brothers stopped laughing and looked over at (Y/n)'s face.
"You..." USA spoke.
(Y/n) was confused then USA showed them their face. It had the 'L' USA drew. Same color and handwritting. They all went dead silent.

"ALRIGHT- Maybe it's a coincidence? But if it's not-" USA showed his arm. It read 'U a Chicken thot'. (Y/n) told him they wrote that on their arm.
"Atleast you're funny though," He pointed a finger gun at (Y/n).
(F/n) and Canada gave both of them a little space to sort things out.

Timeskip to a year later, (Y/n) and USA are now living together. They've sorted things out after that and decided to try to become comfortable with one another. They did, thankfully and now they're dating.

A/N: sorry it's not so long but I tried- I'm working on another CountryHumans book 👀 because CountryHumans are my life basically. Thanks for reading and remember to wash your hands and stay indoors for now! Also I changed the cover 👉👈 I drew it btw xnsnxnxjs

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