Chapter VI

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"Two minutes left!" I yelled, scanning the room to make sure we didn't leave anything behind. "One more minute!" Kurapika told us. "This is one long minute.." Leorio remarked. Finally, the door opened. Gon ran straight through. "Wait up, Gon!" I yelled, laughing.

we arrived back in the large fighting area that we were in before. "We should have taken those stairs down." Killua told them, looking bored. we faced many challenges, my favorite had been when a giant stone ball chased us, that was fun. hmm... I haven't had fun in quite awhile... I thought, smiling.

Finally we came to a room, two doors. one marked X one marked O. a stone lady came out of the wall in the middle. weapons lined the walls. "I don't like this..." I said quietly. a sign read "This will be the last decision by majority rule. are you ready? Choose O or X." Lippo's voice came from the stone woman. "Please select a path. There are two choices. one path allows six to path, but it's long and difficult. the other path allows only three, but is short and easy." the voice paused, and tension filled the air. "Incidentally, the long and difficult path requires a minimum of forty five hours. the short and easy path leads to the goal in approximately three minutes." oh dear... he's trying to tear us apart. I thought in dismay, glancing around the room. "Press O for the long and difficult path, X for the short and easy. If X is selected, three people must be secured to the wall with handcuffs, before the door will open." then the voice went silent.

"They've got almost every weapon here." Killua said, glancing around the room lined with shimmering weapons. of course, arguing followed. I shook my head and went to sit down in a corner. I really have to work on my instinct to kill people... no one noticed me sitting down, that was for the best.

"I'm going to press O." Gon announced, looking determined. "We made it all the way here together. I want us all to pass together." "Gon.." Kurapika said, frowning. "Even if it's a big risk, I want to give it a shot!" Killua sighed, "Come on, you can't really call it a risk... we have less than an hour." he looked at Gon. "We only have one choice if you want to pass the exam." "There you have it..." Leorio muttered, glaring down at all of us. "Now we have to decide how to choose which three to pass." Killua said, looking at us all in turn. he paused when he saw me in the corner. then he looked back to Gon. "Well, I'm planning on two of them to be you and me." he told him. what am I? chopped liver? I thought, annoyed. Tonpa slowly backed into the corner, reaching towards a ax. suddenly, he jumped forward, the ax nearly chopping Leorio in half. "Tonpa, that was dirty!" Leorio screamed. "Shut up..." I murmured, my blood lust growing. no one heard me.

"Hold on!" Gon yelled, stopping the fight. "We should pick the long path, then we can easily use the weapons to make a hole in the wall to the short and easy path!"

finally, we entered the room. I spotted Hisoka who waved at me. I just sighed, creep... a voice rang out "The third phase of the hunter exam is complete! Twenty-Six Applicants have passed. one has died." I glanced over to the dead body lying right outside one of the doors.

"I will need you to draw lots." Lippo told them once they were all outside. my number was 89. I glanced at the man, he was tall and lean. I was hoping for more of a challenge. I thought with a sigh.

I glanced over at Gon and saw he had gotten number 44. Hisoka... oh dear... I thought in dismay. I sighed, walking over to Hisoka. "You better not touch Gon or Killua." I told him. he simply smirked, not answering. ugh, he is a pain...

finally, we arrived. we filed off one by one, going from who arrived first. it took awhile, considering we were the last to finish the trick tower. I was right after Killua, who was no where to be seen when she got on the island. my target's already here... I thought, scanning the area. a large clearing was in front of me, two people in it, but neither were my target. Gon must be out by now. I thought. I glanced up a tree and spotted him, he hadn't seen me yet. well, I won't interfere unless Hisoka is close to killing him. I sighed, wandering off. 

there was someone following me. it was quite obvious. they were loud, stepping on practically every possible branch in their way. I paused, glancing directly at where they were hiding behind a tree. "Come out..." I told them, smiling. no response. "Come out..." I repeated. no response, so I turned my smile into an evil grin. "Do you want to play?" there was a rustling, and number 89 popped out. "Oh, you're my target." I told him, still smiling. he seemed surprised. "well, it'll be easy to beat a little girl like you." I laughed. "Actually, I'm twenty-one." he just stared at me. I took the chance to run up to him and grab his number out of his bag before he could react. "Still easy to beat me?" I asked, skipping away. he yelled after me but I picked up the pace and left him behind.

"Hmm, guess I can just relax now." I said, relaxing by a stream. I wonder what Gon and Killua are doing...

after a day or so, I grew restless, worrying about the others. I'll go find Hisoka. I thought, standing up and looking around. I climbed a tree and scanned the forest, looking for the tiniest bit of Nen. There! I thought, seeing Hisoka's pink Nen in a patch of forest ahead. 

I pushed my way into the clearing. Hisoka glanced up at me from his place on the ground. "Hello~" he said, smiling. "Shut up, Hisoka." I glared at him. "I'm just here to make sure you don't kill anyone." he laughed. "Of course." I sat down, making sure to stay at least three feet away from him. This is going to be a long week...

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