Chapter IX

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Some of you may have not have noticed but I updated the cover, tell me what you think! <3

Ilya was woken by the door to Gon's room opening, she had fallen asleep next to him. she quickly stood up and saw Satotz come into the room. he nodded to her and sat down with a book. "Has he been sleeping well?" He asked, still reading. "Yeah.." I said, looking down on Gon. "So, Ilya..." Satotz started. "My name is Lizzie." I told him sternly. "Alright, Lizzie. I don't know much but I'm guessing you know Netero?" Satotz asked. I didn't respond. I felt myself reflexivly gripping one of my hidden knives. when I didn't respond he sighed. "Alright... Well, Il- I mean Lizzie." he quickly corrected himself when he saw her glare. "You need to go find the other hunters, you have a little bit of free time before Netero explains the exact rules of being a hunter." I looked up at him, worried. "Who lost?" I asked. "Killua."

I quickly hurried over to Kurapika and Leorio, who were sitting outside. "Killua lost?" I asked them. Kurapika nodded, explaning what Illumi had done. I clenched my fists. "So Illumi manipulated Killua into killing someone.." I muttered, feeling my bloodlust rise. Ugh, I really have to learn to control that better... I thought in annoyance as Kurapika and Leorio stepped back in surprise. "Are you alright?" Kurapika asked. I nodded, trying to calm myself.

I sighed, bored as Netero explained the rules of being a Hunter. it was hard not to leap up and try to murder Illumi. "if I see him alone I'll get him.." I promised myself. Kurapika looked at me. "What?" I shook my head. "Nevermind.."

I looked up in surprise as the doors banged open. Gon stood there. he glared at Illumi, who hadn't turned at the noise. he walked down the isle. I was about to jump up and go over to him when Kurapika put his hand on my arm, shaking his head lightly. I sighed. he's right, I shouldn't interfere. Satotz appeared in the doorway behind him, expression unreadable. Gon stopped next to Illumi. "Apologize to Killua." he demanded, anger in his eyes. Illumi looked at him in what I was guessing was surprise, although it was hard to tell. "Apologize? for what?" he asked. now Gon was surprised. "You don't know what you did wrong?" "Nope." Illumi told him. I could tell Gon wanted to punch Illumi, I would've already done it if I were him. "You don't have the right to be his brother." Killua told Illumi. "Must I earn the right to be his brother?" Illumi asked. suddenly, Gon grabbed Illumi's arm and threw him in the air. Illumi remained expressionless and landed softly. (Okay, pause for a moment 'cause Illumi looks like he's in a loreal commercial here.) Gon looked up at Illumi in defiance. "He doesn't need to earn the right to be my friend!" He told Illumi, gripping his arm tighter. Illumi actually showed surprise at Gon's strength. I could tell Gon was about to break Illumi's arm. suddenly Gon stopped, "Don't apologize to Killua, bring me to him." he demanded. "What will you do then?" Illumi asked, emotionless even though Gon had just snapped his arm. "That should be obvious!" Gon yelled. "I'll rescue Killua!" I could see the determination in Gon's eyes. He really will. I thought in surprise.

Outside I examined my hunter card, ignoring Gon talking to Illumi. eventually, Gon turned to me. "So, Lizzie, are you coming with us to get Killua?" he asked. I looked up in surprise. "Well..." I started. I looked at his eyes and found myself nodding. "Just give me a moment." I told him, smiling. 

"Hey, Machi?" I asked over the phone. "Yeah? what is it, Ilya?" she asked, sounding annoyed... stressed even. "I wanted to let you know I'll be gone a little bit longer, something... unexcpected happened." she heard Machi sigh over the phone. "No." Machi told her. "What?" I asked, confused. "We need you back here, Chrollo needs better protection and he's acting... strange since you aren't here." I sighed. how will I tell Gon? I wondered.

"Um... Gon.." He looked over at me, smiling. "Yeah?" he asked. "I... I can't go with you." I told him. "wait, what?" he yelled. "Why not?" I sighed. "My parents want me home." ugh, I hate lying to Gon... I thought to myself. he frowned. "Well... alright... see you later, Lizzie." he told me, leaving the hotel with Kurapika and Leorio.

I texted Machi, "Where are you?" she didn't respond. I sighed, calling a Taxi to come pick me up. finally, she responded. "I'll send you the coordinates." her text was followed up by the coordinates to a small town maybe a few hours drive away. "Okay, be there soon." I told her.

Hopping out of the Taxi, I used a resturants bathroom to change out of my disguise and back into my regular clothes. I prefered tight clothes that showed my curves so that I didn't look so childish. my height was rather annoying too. I was taller than Gon and Killua by a few inches, but I wasn't quite reaching Kurapika's height.

I went over to a car dealership where I "Borrowed" a motorcycle. once on the road, I instantly got stuck in traffic. I sighed, hearing police sirens behind me. I knew they were searching for me, but I had quickly switched the motorcycles liscense plate with another. I started weaving between cars. I heard yelling and Honking but I really didn't care. Finally, I turned onto a side road and started speeding towards my destination. it would still take me a couple hours at this speed.

I stretched, having just stopped at a convinence store. I walked inside and grabbed a soda. I quickly payed for it by a boy who wouldn't stop staring at... well... anyway, I quickly left and hopped on my motorcycle.

A car sped past. I rolled my eyes. won't be long till that idiot crashes... and right on time I heard a loud crunch and car horns. I continued on, not bothering to call the police or help the man. I had to get there soon.

I finally arrived at the town the others were staying in. I found the hotel that Machi had indicated and asked for their room. It took me a few times, trying to guess which fake last name they had used. finally, I got it right and was sent up to the third floor.

I knocked on the door, which was instantly opened by Machi. "Hey." I said, walking in. Chrollo sat on the bed, reading. although he seemed different. though his face was the same... he seemed more tense. Pakunoda lay on another bed, polishing her gun. I sat next to Chrollo, who smiled when he saw me. "Good to see you, Ilya." he said, seeming less tense. I smiled. "Good to be back." then I paused. wait, was it really? or did I want to be with Gon and Killua? I shook my head, pulling my hair out of my face. well, it doesn't matter now. I'm with Chrollo. and I must protect him.

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