Chapter XV

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Eep! Sorry it's been so long, I was working on something else. (and I'm sick ;-;) also, I noticed we just hit 1.9K views. thanks for reading my random trash! <3

Gon jumped back, holding his shoulder. "What do we do with them?" Shizuku asked, "They don't know anything about the chain user. "If they don't know anything, we can let them go." Franklin said. he looked at Pakunoda. "I checked on the trip here." she said, "They really don't know anything." I hesitantly went up to Gon and Killua. "are you two alright?" I asked. Gon glanced at me, "Yeah." I sighed, "I'm sorry, I should've told you." Gon smiled slightly, "It's alright."

"Guys... they don't know anything, let's just let them go." I told the others. Finally, the rest agreed. "You're lucky, kids." Feitan said. I sighed in relief. "No, Not yet." Nobunaga said. I glared at him. "I won't let them leave." He's serious... I thought in dismay. "Kid..." He said, looking at Gon, "Join the spiders." I paused, confused. "Let's team up." "No way." was Gon's immediate answer. "He isn't going to join, Nobunaga. give it up." I told him. he ignored me. "I'd rather die than join you guys!" Gon told him. Nobunaga laughed, "He really hates us..." he looked up at Gon, "You're an enchancer, right?" "So what if I am?!" Gon yelled. this just made Nobunaga laugh harder. "We're keeping them here until the boss gets back." He announced. "I'm going to recommend we recruit them."

"We meet back here at 10PM." Shalnark told us. I sighed, we were supposed to track down members of the Nostrade bodyguards. we were supposed to go in twos... but there was no one left. I sighed, "Guess I'll go alone." 

"Jeez, where are they all?" I muttered, glaring through the crowded streets. I stretched, judging how long it would take to get to the rooftop. "mm... probably a few seconds." I decided, starting to climb.

My prediction was right, a few seconds later, I looked down at the crowd. she noticed a few people were pointing at her. She quickly scanned the crowd. "Not here." She sighed, "It's almost twelve..."

"Is there anyone checked in under the Nostrade name here?" I demanded, glaring at the frightened receptionists. "N-no Ma'am..." She whispered, looking like she was about to cry. I walked around the desk, going up to the computer. I checked to see if she was telling the truth. "You're right. alright, enjoy your life." I said, walking out the door.

I did this to several more hotels before it finally struck twelve. on my way back, I noticed two familiar figures. "Good job escaping, guys." I whispered, watching Gon and Killua run by from the woods. "They're going to become a lot stronger one day." 

"Ilya, I want you to appear as a pro assassin." Chrollo told me. I pulled the phone away from my ear in surprise. "Why?" I asked, putting it back. "Because, theres a group of assassins that includes two Zoldycks. I want you to go in and keep an eye on them for now." I paused, sighing. "Of course, I'll go right away." "Good." Chrollo said. "Shalnark already put you into the group." I hung up. "How the hell did he do that?" I wondered, standing up and stretching. "Well, I'm off." I said to the nearly empty building. "Good luck~" I heard Hisoka say as I reached the door.

I sat down on the plush couch, edging away from the other Assassins. "I didn't realize there'd be this many weaklings.." I muttered, pulling my hood closer around my head. I looked over as the door opened. There they are... I thought, smiling lightly under my hood. Two Zoldycks strolled into the room. Zeno and Silva... Her thoughts were interrupted by a fat man counting on his fingers. "One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine... Looks like everyone's here." "Not yet." A man in a black suit, most likely a bodyguard, corrected him. The fat man looked up at the guard in surprise. "I thought we only had nine in our group!" he said, sounding annoyed. "The Nostrade family is sending an addition person." The guard informed him. Oh dear... I thought, looking to the door in dismay. Kurapika walked in. I turned away, hoping he wouldn't notice me. The room was silent, My heart was beating so hard everyone must be able to hear it. The fat man broke the silence. "Then, has everyone arrived?" He asked, sending a annoyed glance at Kurapika. He didn't wait for a response. "You're job is to annihilate the Phantom Troupe. When the auction kicks off again, they may show up. If they do, dispose of them." he lowered his voice slightly. "You may use any means you want." "This team will be after the same target." A very dull looking man said. "We should decide how to adress each other when communicating." "Just use colors." The man next to him said. "Call me blue." He said. A man with a wooden mask spoke up, "Call me red." Like a little child's game. I thought. "Like a game." She heard Zeno say, echoing her thoughts. The dull man looked over. "What about you guys?" He asked. "Silva." and "Zeno." Were their answers. "Zeno? What color is that?" The dull man asked. "We will both use our real names." Zeno said. "What?" Another man asked. "You are welcome to call me by my name." Silva told them. "But I will not take orders. We'll do this our own way." A man with a scar across his eye gasped. "Silva and Zeno? From the Zoldyck family." "You all haven't figured that out yet?" I muttered in annoyance. "Let me know if you want someone killed." Zeno said, looking up at the others. "I'm willing to give you a thirty percent discount for being in the same line of work." The others looked at him in shock. "Does it really matter what we call each other?" The man sitting next to me asked. He seems to be one of the stronger ones. "Agreed." said another one. "There's no requirement we work together." "But we're talking about the troupe!" The dull one said, looking concerned. "Attacking it alone will be dangerous!" All the the others excpet for Zeno, Silva, Myself, Kurapika, and the two men besides me nodded. "And you?" The man besides me asked, leaning over the couch to look at Kurapika. "Shaky teamwork will only cause confusion." Kurapika responded immediately. "I will move alone." He looked over at me. "What about you?" He asked. "I prefer working alone. plus... some of the people in this room would most likely slow me down." I told them. The man next to her chuckled. "So it's six to four, we move alone."

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